John Knight wrote:
>> "Cary Kittrell" <cary at> wrote in message
> > ANSWER =>
> >
> >
> > Hey, I'll make it easer -- forget the food laws, perhaps these are
> > just too hard -- how about laws handed down by YWH on clothing?
> > Beards? If you accidentally touch an unclean animal, do you bring a
> > lamb or goat to be sacrificed? Provide olive oil for the lamps?
> >
> >
> > ANSWER =>
> >
> >
> >
> > Please do remember, someone on this group once wrote:
> >
> >
> > The Holy Bible isn't a smorgasbord where you get to pick and
> > choose the parts you want, and throw out the rest.
> >
> > -- cary
>> What is it about "liberals" that they never seem to be able to understand
> the concept of "public debate" or "social commentary" or "Biblical
> exegesis", and instead must diddle with little personal niglets all the
> time?
>> Do you have any idea, cary, how many opportunities to address the key issues
> you've blown just because you can't get your head out?
>> One person's "opinion" has nada, nothing, zero, zilch, to do with presenting
> the *facts* about the relationship between brain size, intelligence, and
> religion, nor with critiquing the theories being presented.
>> If you can't follow it, why waste your time with it?
>> John Knight
These sound like the words of someone who just lost an
argument (especially considering how far he was willing to
go before suddenly calling for topic).