Re. brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Bob LeChevalier lojbab at lojban.org
Sun Sep 22 04:29:20 EST 2002

<raugust at ptd.net> wrote:
>You see, for the "six million Jews" that were "killed" in the "holocaust"
>(read my earlier post regarding the real meaning of that word),

Words mean what we use them to mean.  Just as "gay" no longer refers
only to how you feel on a bright spring day, holocaust no longer
refers to the inside of a nuclear explosion.  Live with it: the
language changes.

>there were
>not only a 4% INCREASE in the Indo-European Jewish population according to
>Jewish sources,

That is the nincompoop's baloney statistics, using what probably was
the lowest estimate from one point in time and comparing it to the
highest estimate at another point in time.  I'll believe what
researchers have determined.

>but 40 million CHRISTIANS were also BRUTALLY MURDERED whilst

Again, this is the nincompoop's statistics, assuming that every who
wasn't a Jew was a Christian to boot.  Most of the WW II deaths were
in Soviet Union, which was officially atheist with the dominant
Russian Orthodox religion especially suppressed so that we don't know
the religion of those who died, China and Japan where we KNOW most who
died were non-Christian, and Germany where most who died were
Christian but they were the invader and not "defending their own
gives a compendium of different estimates by different sources for the
deaths in each locale.
gives a summary of deaths.
Based on the latter, I would guesstimate the number of Christians who
died as 13-30 million depending on how many Soviet deaths could be
called "Christian".

>That's a ratio of 6.66 Christians per Jew killed.

The term "Holocaust" is applied not merely to the deaths in WW II, of
course, but to the entire pattern of abuse, torture, and attempted
genocide by the Nazis against the Jews (and by some people against
other non-"Aryan" minorities like the Gypsies, as well).

>You once again misunderstand Mr. Knight's posts because of your crass

Whereas you appear to deny the Holocaust, and Holocaust deniers are
beneath contempt, if not subhuman.


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