"Dan Holzman" <holzman at panix.com> wrote in message
news:ami7im$qfb$1 at panix1.panix.com...
> In article <UxQi9.371$Ye5.89052 at nnrp1.ptd.net>, <raugust at ptd.net> wrote:
> >can we all quit finger pointing and yelling at each other and come down
to a
> >common belief?
> >
> >Jesus Christ said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life."
> >
> >Right now, all I want is a Bible, a Christian male pastor (black or
> >and a sense of loving and being loved. All I want to see is men growing
> >together and nurturing one another and combatting the HUGE feminist lie
> >one united team. Can this happen, or must we always be fractious?
>> Given that one of the newsgroups this is cross-posted to is
> alt.religion.wicca, I don't think you're going to get much mileage on
> the "Bible" and "Christian male pastor" part.
>> I'm a feminist, so I suspect we've a fundamental difference of opinion
> regarding the "huge feminist lie" part.
>> Maybe in spite of that we can see some action on the "sense of loving
> and being loved" and "growing together and nurturing one another," but
> I don't think it fits in with Mr. Knight's agenda. Beween you and me,
> we'll see what happens.
No, you're not a feminist, Holzman. You're worse than that--you're a jew.
And do you know how we're going to achieve Mr. August's objective?
We're going to exile you HATEFUL jews.
It cannot happen as long as you have even ONE jewish toe on this continent.
John Knight