Being too precise

Chris Lofting lofting at eisa.net.au
Sat Sep 21 12:41:41 EST 2002

A review of how our brain processes information suggests that in high
definition typologies there is an error in perception. This particular

See http://pages.prodigy.net/lofting/price.html

deals with psychological typing in particular but reflects the
underlying processes of our mental states in general.

In summary, when asking yes/no questions (and so a rigid 1:1 focus)
you need to move to a more 1:many perspective as in "If your answer is
YES then click the box OTHERWISE do this little questionaire ..." -
this is due to 'issues' with the brain processing negation in that
that part that is expressing the negation does it in a positive

The fundamental processing seems to be the recursion of the
differentiation/integration dichotomy - a dichotomy that has a 'skew'
in the precision possible by either element.

For the model used to identify brain function and the source of
general meaning, see http://pages.prodigy.net/lofting/id.html


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