The abstract...
Cerebral Cortex, Vol. 12, No. 9, 998-1003, September 2002
Sex Differences in Temporo-limbic and Frontal Brain Volumes of Healthy
Ruben C. Gur1, Faith Gunning-Dixon1, Warren B. Bilker2 and Raquel E.
[author affiliations cut for brevity, see URL below]
Sex differences have been observed in neurobehavioral measures and in
neuroanatomic studies. Men and women differ in emotion processing,
including perception, experience and expression, most notably
reflected in greater male aggression. We examine temporo-limbic and
prefrontal structures volumetrically in a large well-characterized
sample of healthy adults, applying morphometric methods across
cerebral regions that regulate emotions. Quantitative magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) was performed in 116 healthy adults, 57 men
and 59 women, age range 1849 years. We used reliable methods of
region of interest identification to examine sex differences in volume
of temporo-limbic and frontal regions. An automated tissue
segmentation procedure was used to obtain separate measurements for
gray and white matter. After correcting for cranial volume, men and
women had identical volumes of amygdala and hippocampus, as well as
dorsal prefrontal cortex. However, women had larger orbital frontal
cortices than men, resulting in highly significant difference in the
ratio of orbital gray to amygdala volume (P = 0.002). The larger
volume of cortex devoted to emotional modulation may relate to
behavioral evidence for sex differences in emotion processing.
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