John Knight wrote:
> "Bob" <bobx23456 at> wrote in message
> news:3D7D4F6F.9030808 at>>>>>John Knight wrote:
>>>>>>>"Dan Holzman" <holzman at> wrote in message
>>>news:alj0g1$nio$1 at>>>>>>>>>>Does it come as a surprise to ANYONE that John regards psych drugs as
>>>>part of a conspiracy?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Actually, everything that jews in this country have done in the name of
>>>"medicine", all the way from Salk to Ritalin to antidepressants to salt,
>>>> has
>>>>been a complete, unmitigated catastrophe.
>>>>>>John Knight
>>>>>>>You are probably right that all that stuff has been a catastrophe, but
>>blaming it on a Jewish conspiracy is insupportable. There have been
>>MANY christian scientists and doctors also involved, more than Jews
>>numerically. So if anything its at least as much of a christian
>>>>Salt is a conspiracy and a catastrophe? Now that is a new one even to
>>me. How so?
>>>>> Yes, Christians have been sucked into this jewish scam, and they are NO less
> culpable than the jews, particularly if it can be proven that they knew what
> was going on.
>> Even if it can't be proven that they knew, their failure to do due diligence
> still makes them culpable.
>> You wouldn't think that jews could have used something as simple as salt as
> a weapon against us, but there is some excellent evidence that they have at:
>>>> and
Wow! These guys are flaming' loonies.
With a gadzillion tons of salt in the oceans and all over the earth, and
absolutely necessary for human life, they blame it on a Jewish
conspiracy. I knew the fundies were generally a bit off, but this is
beyond the pale.
>> The first time I heard about this was in the Orient, but I dismissed it at
> the time because it seemed that salt was salt. But Asians are very
> particular about their source of salt and don't trust American imports. The
> story on that above page isn't completely convincing, but it's consistent
> with what Asians think about it.
>> John Knight