brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Fri Sep 20 11:46:49 EST 2002

"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message
news:vb4lou440cptd3gche79p9k2mkps7342l8 at 4ax.com...
> "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
> >> Nonsense.  There is no gene that "gravitates someone towards a book".
> >> It is not transmittible by descent.
> >
> >Only the race called jews adhere to, accept, practice, believe in,
> >and promulgate the "principles" of the Talmud
> duh  Why would that be? I wonder.  It is part of their culture
> >But on TOP of that, the definition for "race"  that YOU provided states
> >clearly that a "race" is "a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to
> >the same stock".
> That is ONE meaning of race.  Not all usages of race fit that
> definition.  Indeed most of them don't.  Go learn how to use a
> dictionary properly.

You've claimed for a long time that jews are not a race.

Now you're arguing just as vehemently that they are a race by only ONE
definition of race?

Then you suggest someone else should go "use a dictionary properly"?

YOU provided this dictionary definition.  Nobody challenged it, not even
YOU.  By at least ONE definition that you posted, jews are a RACE.

But you STILL deny jews are a race based on the assertion that jews don't
fit EVERY definition of "race"?

No wonder "liberals" don't have the first clue about the world they live in.

Just to set the record straight, here again is the definition of race that
YOU provided:

>I have no idea what dictionary you pulled this from.  Here is
>Main Entry: 3race
>Function: noun
>Etymology: Middle French, generation, from Old Italian razza
>Date: 1580
>1 : a breeding stock of animals
>2 a : a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock b
> : a class or kind of people unified by community of interests,
> habits, or characteristics <the English race>
>3 a : an actually or potentially interbreeding group within a species;
> also : a taxonomic category (as a subspecies) representing such a
> group b : BREED c : a division of mankind possessing traits that are
> transmissible by descent and sufficient to characterize it as a
> distinct human type

You have finally agreed that jews are a race by claiming that they are an
"ethnos" [which is Greek for race].

But jews are also a race because they are "a family belonging to the same
stock", "a tribe belonging to the same stock", "a people belonging to the
same stock", and now "a nation belonging to the same stock", "a class or
kind of people unified by community of interests,  habits,
[AND]characteristics", "an actually or potentially interbreeding group
within a species", AND "a division of mankind possessing traits that are
transmissible by descent and sufficient to characterize it as a distinct
human type".

Every single one of these definitions for race fit the jews to a tee.

John Knight

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