"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message
news:2a3lougkdd9aqu8mqqniqf46c6u3sg95rd at 4ax.com...
> "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
> >Keep your eye on the prize, Daniel.
> >
> >Israel scored 466 on TIMSS math and 468 in science.
> >http://www.geocities.com/fathersfiasco/>> You are aware of course that "Israel" is not "Jews". Most Jews don't
> live in Israel, and only 75-80% of Israelis are Jews.
Precisely. "Only" 18% of residents of New Jersey are jews, but that's
enough to put New Jersey in TOP position for education spending, and in the
lowest tenth position for ACT and SAT and NAEP scores, consistently, year
after year.
Israel's scores are already so low that even if it was 100% jews, the scores
couldn't go much lower. A 466 is about ground zero.
>> >American girls scored 469 in TIMSS science, 1 point higher than Israel.
> >http://www.geocities.com/fathersfiasco/> >
> >But 32% of American 12th grade girls' responses were not statistically
> >significant, 23% were statistically significant because they scored lower
> >than if they'd just guessed, and of the 45% that was statistically
> >significant, the amount by which they scored lower than boys was
> >statistically significant on 24.4%, by which they scored higher than boys
> >was statistically significant on 2.6%, and the difference between boys
> >girls was not stastically significant on 18%.
>> You have no idea what "statistically significant" means, and your
> usage there is incorrect.
The usage is 100% correct, and you know it.
> >Had it not been for simple give-away questions,
>> There weren't any, and you haven't demonstrated that you could do
> better than guessing yourself.
The following is just one example of a no-brainer TIMSS science question,
yet half of American 12th grade girls STILL managed to get it wrong:
G2. When a small volume of water is boiled, a large volume of steam is
produced. Why? A. The molecules are further apart in steam than in water. B.
Water molecules expand when heated. C. The change from water to steam
causes the number of molecules to increase. D. Atmospheric pressure works
more on water molecules than on steam molecules. E. Water molecules repel
each other when heated.
A greater percentage of girls in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany,
Greece, Italy, Norway, Russia, Slovenia, and Sweden, all of whom spend far
less for education than we do, got this answer correct. 87% of the girls
and 89% of the boys in Slovenia, who spends a tenth as much for education as
we do, got this answer correct, so it was obviously a simple question to
many boys and girls around the world.
Yet their TIMSS science score of 469 required absolutely no problems to be
solved and no calculations to be correct.
And Israel got an average science score of 468, 1 point lower than American
12th grade girls.
> >Can you even conceive of how little jews in Israel would have to know and
> >how STUPID they would have to be in order to score even LOWER than
> >12th grade girls?
>> Since the test is not measuring "stupidity", but rather "quality of
> mathematics and science education", this is irrelevant. Einstein was
> educated in Germany and Switzerland. Of course he was also educated
> there more than a century ago, and very few school systems operate the
> way they did a century ago.
Which is why he flunked algebra, couldn't get into college, LIED about the
sources of "his" papers and research, and was just as much of a "feeble
minded ... moron" as our Immigration and Naturalization Service considered
him to be then http://christianparty.net/race.htm
>> >And you want us to believe that a moron like Einstein,
>> Prove that his IQ was less than 25.
>> >who was on the left side of this
>> Prove that his IQ was less than 100
>> >FLAT bell curve
>> If a bell curve is flat then that means that it is not a bell curve.
Very good. You actually made an accurate statement, for a change.
> >, who never even completed an algebra class,
>> Bullshit
>> >who never even had a laboratory
>> He didn't need one since all of his research was theoretical.
This isn't the way it works--unless you're a PLAGIARIST.
>> >or colleagues to help him with his "research",
>> Of course he had colleagues. Some of them were the people you claimed
> that he plagiarized from
They weren't "colleagues". They accused him of STEALING their papers,
published 10 and 20 years earlier.
They told the Nobel Committee about his theft, and presented the CORRECT
data where Einstein made some transcription errors, yet they STILL gave
Einstein the prize.
hmmm, no wonder "feeble minded ... moron" jews are 25% of Nobel Prize
winners--jews LIE.
John Knight