"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>> Nonsense. There is no gene that "gravitates someone towards a book".
>> It is not transmittible by descent.
>>Only the race called jews adhere to, accept, practice, believe in, promote,
>and promulgate the "principles" of the Talmud
duh Why would that be? I wonder. It is part of their culture
Americans are the only ones that "adhere to, accept, practice, believe
in, promote, and promulgate" the "principles" of the US Constitution.
Does that mean there is a gene for constitutionalism?
What a maroon!
>Most jews who
>pretended to or tried to "convert" to Christianity or some other religion
>failed miserably, including Josephus, the Maranos of Spain, and supposed
>"messianic jews".
How would you know?
>The Talmud is a RACIAL and RACIST publication about only one race: "god's
>[putative] chosen people".
>It doesn't even recognize Christ as a prophet
>like the Koran does--it accuses Him of being the illegitimate son of a Roman
>soldier who was hanged on a tree for blasphemy and is now boiling in hot
>excrement. It teaches that Muslims and Christians alike "prefer sex with
I thought it was only about "god's [putative] chosen people"?
Now you're saying it's about Christ and Romans and Muslims and
Make up your mind.
>But on TOP of that, the definition for "race" that YOU provided states
>clearly that a "race" is "a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to
>the same stock".
That is ONE meaning of race. Not all usages of race fit that
definition. Indeed most of them don't. Go learn how to use a
dictionary properly.
>The jews themselves claim that more than 90% of jews are "Ashkenazi jews",
>and that would make them "a ... people ... belonging to the same stock",
No it wouldn't since "Ashkenazi" refers to a cultural tie, which makes
them an ethnos.
>which by itself makes them a RACE.
>They CLAIM that Sephardic jews, who are 2% of all jews, are descendants of the Edomites,
No they don't. YOU do, LIAR. "Sephardic" likewise refers to a
cultural tie, making them also an ethnos.
>The DNA studies that
>show the genetic link between Ashkenazi jews, Sephardic jews, and Ethiopians
>suggest that they all have a common ancestor, which would make all three
>types of jews one RACE, by YOUR definition.
DNA studies show that all of us had a common female ancestor around
100,000 years ago. We are all a race: the human race.
>> >Just ONE of the definitions of "ethnos" is "nation", and an entire nation
>> >like Germany or France or Spain each qualify as separate "races",
>>>> No they don't because those are "nations" of a different sort than
>> "ethnos". They are political states.
>>>> Go learn how to read and use a dictionary, nincompoop.
>>Ok, let's try this again:
Not until you go learn how to read and use a dictionary, nincompoop.
>"a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock".
>>Do you DENY that Germans or French or Spanish belong to the same "stock"?
Yes, but go learn how to read and use a dictionary, nincompoop.
>If so, where is your proof,
Well the Spanish for example include the Castillians, the Catalans,
the Galicians, the Basques, and lots of people with a considerable
amount of Moorish descent.
Per Britannica only 65.9% of the people of France are ethnically
French, and even those ethnically French are not a single stock, since
they are descended from the Franks, the Gauls and a whole bunch of
other tribes that lived there at the time of Julius Caesar.
Germany likewise is only 82.2% ethnically German, and those ethnically
German were 150 years ago associated dozens of different
nation-states, and likewise in Roman times dozens of different tribes,
and in between overwhelmed and conquered by the Goths and Visigoths
and by Attila the Hun among others, Charlemagne of the Franks, various
Vikings, and others, all of whom left their seed (women did not
usually say "no" to Attila's men %^)
>and how exactly did it come about? By what
>process could they possibly have come from *different* stock? Do you
>*really* think their stock is the same stock jews and niggers came from?
Yep, if you go back far enough.
>YOU provided this definition. By YOUR definition, they are a RACE.
By one definition. Go learn how to read and use a dictionary,
>> Go learn how to read and use a dictionary, nincompoop.
>> Go learn how to read and use a dictionary, nincompoop.
>> Go learn how to read and use a dictionary, nincompoop.
>> Go learn how to read and use a dictionary, nincompoop.
>> Go learn how to read and use a dictionary, nincompoop.
>> Go learn how to read and use a dictionary, nincompoop.
>> Go learn how to read and use a dictionary, nincompoop.
>> Go learn how to read and use a dictionary, nincompoop.
>> Go learn how to read and use a dictionary, nincompoop.
>> Go learn how to read and use a dictionary, nincompoop.
>> Go learn how to read and use a dictionary, nincompoop.
>> Go learn how to read and use a dictionary, nincompoop.
>> Go learn how to read and use a dictionary, nincompoop.
>> Go learn how to read and use a dictionary, nincompoop.
>> Go learn how to read and use a dictionary, nincompoop.
Get the message.