Open Post-Doc - Behavioral Toxicology

Kevin Crofton crofton.kevin at epa.gov
Thu Sep 19 20:39:22 EST 2002

I have an open post-doc position in my lab. The main aim of the project is
to determine the potential for additive or synergistic effects of mixtures
of pyrethroid insecticides on behavioral function in laboratory rodents.
Pyrethroids effect multiple aspects of behavioral function including sensory
and motor functions.

I am looking for someone with an ethology or animal behavior background.
I think this project is a great opportunity for a post-doc to show
independence and
creativity.  This is a good opportuntity to study the impact of
environmental chemicals
on behavior.

If interested please respond to:

Kevin M. Crofton, PhD
crofton.kevin at epa.gov

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