"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message
news:1j9iou0jok37ss58on2sh7mtavukput240 at 4ax.com...
> "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
> >> > I have no idea what dictionary you pulled this from. Here is
> >> > Mirriam-Webster:
> >> > >Main Entry: 3race
> >> > >Function: noun
> >> > >Etymology: Middle French, generation, from Old Italian razza
> >> > >Date: 1580
> >> > >1 : a breeding stock of animals
> >> > >2 a : a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock
> >> > > : a class or kind of people unified by community of interests,
> >> > > habits, or characteristics <the English race>
> >> > >3 a : an actually or potentially interbreeding group within a
> >> > > also : a taxonomic category (as a subspecies) representing such a
> >> > > group b : BREED c : a division of mankind possessing traits that
> >> > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >> > > transmissible by descent and sufficient to characterize it as a
> >> > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >> > > distinct human type
>> >Consider the number of different peoples who are a "race" by the
> >definition:
> >
> >"a division of mankind possessing traits that are transmissible by
> >and sufficient to characterize it as a distinct human type".
> >
> >Even though each of the three different types of jews are a "race" by
> >themselves, jews as a whole are also a "race" by this definition. The
> >that they all gravitate towards the Talmud and no other racial group does
> >enough by itself to qualify them as a "race", because these "traits ...
> >transmissible by descent"
>> Nonsense. There is no gene that "gravitates someone towards a book".
> It is not transmittible by descent.
Only the race called jews adhere to, accept, practice, believe in, promote,
and promulgate the "principles" of the Talmud which are almost all 180
degrees contrary to the principles of the Holy Bible. Most jews who
pretended to or tried to "convert" to Christianity or some other religion
failed miserably, including Josephus, the Maranos of Spain, and supposed
"messianic jews".
The Talmud is a RACIAL and RACIST publication about only one race: "god's
[putative] chosen people". It doesn't even recognize Christ as a prophet
like the Koran does--it accuses Him of being the illegitimate son of a Roman
soldier who was hanged on a tree for blasphemy and is now boiling in hot
excrement. It teaches that Muslims and Christians alike "prefer sex with
This is a RACIAL problem which afflicts absolutely NO other race on the
planet, not even the basest nigger in the Congo.
But on TOP of that, the definition for "race" that YOU provided states
clearly that a "race" is "a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to
the same stock".
The jews themselves claim that more than 90% of jews are "Ashkenazi jews",
and that would make them "a ... people ... belonging to the same stock",
which by itself makes them a RACE. They CLAIM that Sephardic jews, who are
2% of all jews, are descendants of the Edomites, which means that ONLY this
2% minority of jews can make any claim whatsoever to be even remotely
related to Abraham. As Esau was the patriarch of the Edomites, this means
that Sephardic jews are a RACE, by YOUR definition. The DNA studies that
show the genetic link between Ashkenazi jews, Sephardic jews, and Ethiopians
suggest that they all have a common ancestor, which would make all three
types of jews one RACE, by YOUR definition.
> >Just ONE of the definitions of "ethnos" is "nation", and an entire nation
> >like Germany or France or Spain each qualify as separate "races",
>> No they don't because those are "nations" of a different sort than
> "ethnos". They are political states.
>> Go learn how to read and use a dictionary, nincompoop.
Ok, let's try this again:
"a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock".
Do you DENY that Germans or French or Spanish belong to the same "stock"?
If so, where is your proof, and how exactly did it come about? By what
process could they possibly have come from *different* stock? Do you
*really* think their stock is the same stock jews and niggers came from?
YOU provided this definition. By YOUR definition, they are a RACE.
>> >Another definition of "ethnos" is "people", which is the broadest
> >imaginable.
>> Go learn how to read and use a dictionary, nincompoop.
>> >And by this definition of "race", all inhabitants of a mountain
> >town in West Virginia who have one common ancestor have "traits that are
> >transmissible by descent" and which are "sufficient to characterize it as
> >distinct human type".
>> Go learn how to read and use a dictionary, nincompoop.
>> lojbab