Ian Goddard <igoddard at erols.mom> wrote in message news:<l30hou8ck2n40t57kn0v4qf4t5oopb7t6d at 4ax.com>...
>http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2002-09/uopm-psm091702.php>> University of Pennsylvania Medical Center
>> Penn study may explain cliche of 'hot-headed' men Penn scientists
> map and measure the seat of impulsive behavior in the brain
>> (Philadelphia, PA) -- There is a sound neurological basis for the
> cliché that men are more aggressive than women, according to new
> findings by scientists at the University of Pennsylvania School of
> Medicine.
>> Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, the Penn scientists
> illustrated for the first time that the relative size of the sections
> of the brain known to constrain aggression and monitor behavior is
> larger in women than in men.
I think those differences have been found in adults.
New question: is that so at birth? Is it possible that education can
be responsible by these differences? (the male role and the female