brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Thu Sep 12 13:18:34 EST 2002

"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message
news:uig0ou4frdfoc14thi2dmbcl2polff9021 at 4ax.com...
> John Knight <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
> >Bob LeChevalier wrote:
> >>>The fact that Josephus was a jew makes every word he writes suspect.
> >>>Wherever his accounts conflict with the Holy Bible, they need to be
> >>>discarded.
> >>
> >>
> >> Since most of what he discusses are events not discussed in the Bible,
> >> this is hardly an issue.  He isn't the only source we have on the
> >> Roman military, just the best known and most available since Josephus
> >> has been translated into English.  We know the size of the Roman
> >> legions that were the most sophisticated military up until their time,
> >> and each was smaller than 10,000 men.  Thus a supposed Israelite army
> >> of 600,000 that made no mark on history OTHER than the Bible is rather
> >> suspect.
> >
> >Did you know that jewish writings "prove" that the Romans killed 6
> >billion jews in one city alone?
> No they don't, and I doubt that there is a single Jew alive today that
> claims that they do.  Even if you can find it in the Talmud, the
> nature of the Talmud is not one that claims factual history.  It is
> recorded opinions and arguments
> >Or that jews claimed that 6 million
> >jews died in the First World War, long before they cooked up the second
> >"holocaust" in WWII?
> Again, I doubt that there is any Jew alive that claims this, although
> you can always find some oddballs of any cultural background willing
> to claim all sorts of nonsense - just look at you.

There are plenty of jews today who claim that "6 million jews died in the
holocaust", yet it's no more credible than the claim that 6 billion died in
one city.

Why do the jews always promote such STUPID lies?

> >When you're dealing with jews who
> >believe such things who ignore all the millions of Christians dying all
> >over the place
> I see no evidence that they ignore millions of Christians dying.  But
> the difference for them is between a death in the family and multiple
> deaths of strangers in a traffic accident.

One third of Americans are descendants of the Germans, 20-50 million of whom
were killed in WWII.  Why would any one of their families be any less
important than any one of the STUPID jews' families?

Where's the "holocaust museum" for them?

> >You can pretty
> >well guess what it is about jews that they scored only 466 on TIMSS math.
> >http://www.geocities.com/fathersfiasco/ This is a score someone could get
> >without even adding two plus two [read: even though it might be second
> >nature to non-"liberals", jews can't even add and subtract].
> You haven't a clue what TIMSS scores mean.  A 466 on the advanced math
> test requires that the person know a significant amount of advanced
> math, significantly more than you seem to know.

You REALLY don't seem to appreciate just how poor the performance of
American girls in TIMSS was.  On the physics portion, 32% of their responses
were not statistically significant, 23% were statistically significant
because they scored lower than if they'd just guessed, and of the 45% that
was statistically significant, the amount by which they scored lower than
boys was statistically significant on 24.4%, by which they scored higher
than boys was statistically significant on 2.6%, and the difference between
boys and girls was not stastically significant on 18%.

Yet their official TIMSS science score was 469.

A score of 469 is almost like a score of zero. No, it's worse--if it hadn't
been for some very simple give-away questions, like G-2 and G-3, they
actually would have scored lower than if they'd just guessed:

G2. When a small volume of water is boiled, a large volume of steam is
produced. Why? A. The molecules are further apart in steam than in water. B.
Water molecules expand when heated. C. The change from water to steam causes
the number of molecules to increase. D. Atmospheric pressure works more on
water molecules than on steam molecules. E. Water molecules repel each other
when heated.

G3. A jar of oxygen gas and a jar of hydrogen gas are at the same
temperature. Which of the following has the same value for the molecules of
both gases? A. the average velocity B. the average momentum C. the average
force D. the average kinetic energy
These are no-brainer questions. They don't require an ounce of reasoning or
calculations. All they required was to remember a few very basic principles.

But even on these simple questions, half of American girls got it wrong.

A score of 469 required absolutely no problems to be solved and no
calculations to be correct.

Yet Israel got an average score of 466, 3 points lower than American 12th
grade girls.


> >How many generations was the World Trade Center around?  One?  How many
> >generations will it be before there's no trace of it around?  Still one.
> >How many more generations will it be remembered?  Even with all the
> >jewish blather in the jewsmedia, in less than three generations, it'll
> >be more forgotten than the "hydrogen bomb dropped on Korea" now being
> >taught to American students.
> OK, I'll bite.  Where is evidence that American students are taught
> that a hydrogen bomb was dropped on Korea?
> We remember the Titanic which was around only a few days, for than 3
> generations, and only half as many died.

A factoid which probably less than a third of the world is even familiar
with, which ignores many other notable shipwrecks since then that most
people in the world are familiar with.  You probably don't even remember the
MS Estonia sinking and killing almost a 1,000 people just a decade ago, and
I wouldn't have remembered much about it except I was on it one week before
it sank and knew some of the people who drowned.

In 32 generations, not a word will be known about it.

John Knight

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