brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Michael Price nini_pad at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 11 07:23:18 EST 2002

"John Knight" <johnknight at usa.com> wrote in message
news:78189.52643$eb.3680767 at news2.west.cox.net...
> "Shadow Dancer" <insomniac at winterslight.org> wrote in message
> news:ajq0cu$1df7vu$1 at ID-150265.news.dfncis.de...
> > bionet.neuroscience removed.
> >
> > This should be regarded as a **new thread**, a tangent off of the one
> > referenced in the quote at the very bottom.  Please keep the new subject
> > intact when replying.
> >
> > There are countless Internet resources which abundantly discuss the Nazi
> > Party's "Final Solution", and not all of them are Jewish-based.  Below
> > but a handful of the links I managed to dig up on a Google search:
> >
> > http://www.ushmm.org/outreach/fsol.htm
> > http://www.mtsu.edu/~baustin/finlsol.html
> > http://www.remember.org/guide/Facts.root.final.html
> > http://history.acusd.edu/gen/WW2Timeline/Final_Solution.html
> > http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/holocaust/h-wannsee.htm
> > http://www.wsg-hist.uni-linz.ac.at/Auschwitz/HTML/Endloesung.html
> > http://www.sunderland.ac.uk/~os0tmc/occupied/final.htm
> >
> > There is documentation, living eyewitness testimony, the death camps and
> the
> > mass graves themselves to prove that Hitler's "Final Solution" was not
> > deportation, but mass genocide.
> >
> > If John Knight and his friends continue to insist that Hitler's
> > extermination of all those with as little as 1/4 Jewish heritage (how do
> > know this?  Why gee, some of my own *family* vanished because they had
> a
> > portion of Jewish heritage, that's why!) never happened then I guess the
> > American, British, French, Russian, (and several other) governments also
> > found themselves participating in some sort of fantastic
> > mass-hallucination - especially the American, British and Russian G.I.'s
> who
> > rescued the survivors of the death camps, and found many an open mass
> grave,
> > barely salted with lime, prepared to be buried via bulldozer, found the
> > plans, the pictures, all the horrific details that more than adequately
> > documented this "final solution".
> >
> > I also see that you seem to consider the WTC disaster to also be some
> > of a nice, handy way to exterminate yet more innocent people with
> > from a fraction to full-blooded Jewish heritage (regardless of whether
> they
> > practiced Judaism or not; regardless of whether they were staunch
> adherents
> > to Christianity or not).
> >
> > And you wonder why we say you sound just like a neo Nazi?  Don't go to
> > Germany and preach your agenda:
> http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9608/22/neo.nazi/.
> > They'd put you right where you belong; behind bars.
> >
> > Let me guess:  *These* guys are where your religion comes from:
> > http://www.gospelcom.net/apologeticsindex/a83.html.  The one Yahoo group
> you
> > belong to is called "Christian Identity".  It's the same group, innit,
> John
> > Knight?
> >
> >                                                             ~~~
> >
> > Stop aiding and abetting the terrorism yourself, John Knight.
> > the wholesale deportation and/or slaughter of individuals based solely
> > their birth heritage is no different than what the Nazi party did in
> > Germany - and what the neo-Nazi party advocates today.
> >
> > It definitely qualifies as domestic terrorism.  Take your "terror" to
> > private island somewhere.  The majority of us do not need your type.
> > majority of us do not WANT your type.
> >
> > The Shadow Dancer
> > A Proud American
> > 1/8 Jewish Heritage
> > Decorated USAF disabled veteran
> >
> When are the one third of Americans of German descent going to get
> "reparations" from the jews for the 48-96 million of their CHRISTIAN
> relative and ancestors who were utterly maimed and killed and *really*
> holocausted during WWII, Shallow Dunce?

  Gee, maybe when people decide to compensate the perpetrators rather than
the victims.  Jews didn't start WWII and even if they did a war is not

> When are jews going to pay reparations to the relatives of their victims
> Palestine, or Iraq?

  Again Palestinians were not exterminated, although they were treated very
as for Iraq they attacked moron and Israel had nothing to do with the deaths
of Iraqi
soldiers or citizens.  In fact they refrained from responding to attacks
despite many
fatal attacks on their citizens (and Scuds aren't accurate enough to just
hit Jews).

> Of course you won't even attempt to answer those questions, so you can
> all you want, but when up to 91% of Americans decide that it's time to
> you jews off to Madagascar, off to Madagascar you will go.

  And why would they decide that?  When did deportation of native born
become legal.

> It'll be even easier than Mugabe shipping the Whites out of Zimbabwe.
> John Knight

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