On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 22:37:07 GMT, "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com>
>>"Dan Holzman" <holzman at panix.com> wrote in message
>news:all9o8$nk7$1 at panix1.panix.com...>> In article <CMpf9.302$S32.42966 at news2.west.cox.net>,
>> John Knight <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>> >
>> >You completely and totally missed the point of the story, which is normal
>> >for a feminazi. Bathsheba was an Israelite who had married a Hittite.
>> >That's the "adultery" in the story. The word "adultery" means "race
>> >mixing". King David didn't commit adultery, because he was an Israelite.
>>>> And here y'all thought it had something to do with havnig sex with
>> in violation of a marriage covenant.
>>>>That's 'cause you're a jew.
>>And jews "think" lots of things that normal people don't think. You jews
>"think" that 86 nations before us booted you out just because they were
>being unfair.
I'm not a jew and and I want all xians out of America.
>You jews will never figure out what the word "adultery" is, just as you'll
>never figure out that BANNING SCHOOL PRAYER, then LYING and claiming that
>you didn't ban school prayer, was a just reason for exiting you jews stage
I'm not a jew and I would destroy and right wing fanatics that started
praying in a public school.
Jeff George
Soy El Diablo Gringo Supremo (Loco)
Oi! Where's the fucking bar, John?