brain sizes: Einstein's & women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Wed Sep 11 12:18:42 EST 2002

Yes, it's time for a memorial for those 4,384 potential Americans who were murdered on September 11, 2001, because they didn't deserve to die such horrible deaths.  We moral and ChristianAmericans could have and should have done and must do something about it.

I'm not talking about the 3,000 jew Yawkers and foreigners who were sitting at their desks in or walking around the World Trade Center on that fateful day.  According to New York Magazine itself, two thirds of New Yorkers support legalized sodomy, which makes New York a close second to Sodom & Gomorrah.  Of the 3,000 who were killed in the WTC, maybe at best 1,000 were moral, upstanding innocents who really didn't deserve to die.

Besides that, most normal Americans really don't have much sympathy or compassion for people who look or sound like baba wawa, who spend even more per student for "education" than Washington, DC,, yet who consistently score in the lowest tenth percentile on national tests.  

What's there to sympathize with?  Far more normal people much closer to home die every day.

We MUST have far more sympathy for the 4,384 potential fellow Americans who will be killed TODAY, September 11, 2002, than for the possibly 1,000 innocent jew Yawkers who died a year ago, for a number of reasons.  
  1.. There will be more than 4 times as many innocents killed today than were killed a year ago in the WTC by "terrorists".  
  2.. The circumstances of their deaths are far more heinous.  
  3.. Each and every death is completely preventable, whereas the WTC victims are as dead as door nails.  
  4.. Preventing their deaths doesn't require us to blast the children of innocents in Iraq who've never even heard of the WTC.
  5.. In less than half a day, we can more than make up for the loss of innocents on September 11, 2001.
  6.. We can put an end tot this endless hypocritical jewish charade, once and for all.
  7.. We can restore the Christian principles which our Christian Forefathers sought to preserve.
  8.. We can alleviate the suffering of the half of Americans who view abortion as murder, who view their own government as a murderer, and who view the 40 million abortions since Roe v. Wade as nothing other than 40 million murders.
  9.. We can exile the jews and create a purely Christian nation.
  10.. We can begin the process of bringing God back to America.
The alternative, bombing innocents in Iraq just because some "liberal" thinks this is the way to "invigorate the economy", will destroy this putative Christian nation, once and for all.

John Knight

-------Original Message-------

From: apfn at yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 09:22:39 AM
To: aergo at earthlink.net
Subject: [APFN] INSARO: Memorials: 11 September 2001

      11 September 2001 


            In Remembrance of those who lost their lives on 11 September 2001
            The World Trade Center - The Pentagon - Flight 93

            The graphic here is a small donation to the Search and Rescue, Disaster Response, and Emergency Management communities.

            Neither the artist, Tom Moulder, nor INSARO retain copyright. 

            Please post this sign of remembrance on your website. 
            After posting to your website, please send your URL to:
              remembrance-posted at insaro.org

            Thank you. 
        For additional information, please contact: admin at insaro.org 


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