brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Cary Kittrell cary at afone.as.arizona.edu
Wed Sep 11 10:24:41 EST 2002

In article  "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> writes:
<Here is a section from Louis Beam's revolutionary manual, "Why we have to
<kill the bastards." The message is truthful and clear; attacks against low
<level enemies is wasteful. As the U.S. Air Force says, "Aim High!"
<The Real Enemy
<As I sit here in subdued anger while gazing at a picture of some stalwart
<California Klansmen being subjected to a search by Mexican and nigger
<sheriff's deputies, I suddenly boil with rage and desire for vengeance. As I
<admire the courage and resolution of these Klansmen, my body begins to
<tense. Every muscle and fiber of my being urges me to combat and cries out
<for the satisfaction of seeing the enemy's blood upon my hands.

[Ed. note: at this point, ejaculation occurs]

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