"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message
>news:l5jqnusej0f9f2vglfmf92lglo2n3sc6d4 at 4ax.com...>> "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>> >It's so interesting that American "liberals" who think that 2 million
>> > Israelites would stretch from sea to sea in Judaea know so much more
>> > about Russia than the Russians.
>>>> Maybe it comes from having spent time there myself, having studied the
>> language and culture, raising Russian kids, and having extensive ties
>> both to Russians in Russia, and well as to the large Russian emigre
>> community in this area.
>>You also spent time here yourself, having studied the language and culture,
>raising American kids, and having extensive ties both to Americans and
>America, and well as to the large American emigre community in this area,
>yet still don't have a clue what the United States nor Christianity are all
I have far more of a clue than you do, clueless.
>How do you explain that you are completely and totally disconnected from
>mainstream American thinking,
How do YOU explain that you are completely and totally disconnected
from sane thinking?
>A second fact is that, by your own admission or failure to disclose it,
>there isn't even one poll question where the majority of Americans agree
>with you jews and "liberals".
A majority voted for Gore.
>Having travelled extensively in Russia and owning property in Tver,
You probably don't even know where Tver is.