On Sun, 08 Sep 2002 02:09:35 GMT, "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com>
yelled from the fourth floor ward window, and subsequently was
*>"Lance O. Lake" <hammer at stakepounders.us> wrote in message
*>news:0001HW.B9A00C1D0017BB99157C75A0 at news-west.giganews.com...
*>> On Sat, 7 Sep 2002 14:24:47 -0500, John SlaveThing Knight wrote
*>> (in message <3ose9.60196$Ic7.4523434 at news2.west.cox.net>):
*>> > So tell us, "Lance O. Lake", are you a "liberal" like lojbab, or
do you
*>> > agree with the majority of Americans on any of the following
*>> I don't answer surveys put out by subservient freaks of middle
*>> mystical religions.
*>> Bow down and worship and continue your death throes or grow up and
be a
*>> man.
*>> Your choice, freak.
*>> Lance
*>Can you read?
*>Where was it written that you were requested to complete a survey?
*>It's a simple "yes" or "no" question: "do you agree with the
majority of
*>Americans on any of the following issues?"
*>If you've got enough time to live in this Christian nation and take
*>advantage of its protection of free speech, then you've got enough
time to
*>say: Yes, or no?
And the right to abstain from doing so.