Undergrad seeking advice

Brandon Field phanbran at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 10 04:15:58 EST 2002

Hi, I am an undergrad biological chemistry major (will soon transfer
to Grinnell College) and plan to go into neuroscience after I get my
B.S. My interest in neuroscience comes from the idea that we may be
able to understand the brain processes at the highest level, for
example, being able to examine a brain and know what it is thinking by
decoding the brainss signals. This would be benificial because we
could learn exactly how the mind works, and also could comunicate
directly with brains with direct signals, for example, learning how
the brain encodes visual images, then changing the electric signal of
video into the brains ode, which may one day allow blind people to

What I'm wondering is which branch of neuroscience should I study to
learn these things?

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