In article <mx9f9.69313$Ic7.5154623 at>,
John Knight <jwknight at> wrote:
>>> I am curious, though, if the author John quotes feels that Timothy
>> McVeigh was a "loyal, dedicated White American."
>>If Timothy McVeigh DID blow up the federal building all by himself (an
>impossible task) for the reasons the media claimed he blew it up (an
>excellent reason), then he WAS the sheer definition a "loyal, dedicated
>White American".
That's what I thought. Thank you very much.
>To paraphrase the jewish commander who bragged about shooting a Palestinian
>girl in the eye with a "rubber" bullet: "3,000 dead jew Yawkers aren't worth
>a Waco Christian's fingernail".
Um... McVeigh primarily blew up Oklahomans.
>All of which ignores that 70% of attempts by federal agents acting as
>passengers to smuggle such weapons onto passenger jets, AFTER these
>"security measures" were implemented, were successful.
>>You jews and "liberals" just can never understand the basic problems, can
I understand the problem fine. It's you who doesn't grasp that it
doesn't matter if a hijacker can smuggle a knife or even handgun on board
if the passengers and crew aren't going to be sufficiently impressed by it to
surrender the plane, and especially not if an F-16 is going to blow a
plane out of the sky if the passengers and crew do surrender it.
>> >Why are they allowed to man
>> >our security checkpoints and have access to our military and commercial
>> >secrets?
>>>> The author is under the impression that the folks working airport
>> screening have access to military and commercial secrets? Please.
>>What a moron. Read it again. "man our security checkpoints ***and*** have
>access to our military and commercial secrets?"
When you finally do spring for that dictionary, ask for help with the
word "and," as well as the rest of your already long list.
>> Unfortunately for the author, Jews were in America since the
>> Revolutionary War. The first American President to address a
>> Synogogue was George Washington.
>>And all of them warned us NOT to admit jews, didn't they?
Amusingly enough, nowhere on your own page do you produce a warning
from Jefferson not to admit Jews. If you have a quote of a President
warning not to admit Jews, by all means provide it.