"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>It's so interesting that American "liberals" who think that 2 million
> Israelites would stretch from sea to sea in Judaea know so much more
> about Russia than the Russians.
Maybe it comes from having spent time there myself, having studied the
language and culture, raising Russian kids, and having extensive ties
both to Russians in Russia, and well as to the large Russian emigre
community in this area.
>How do you get so educated?
>>From the jews, perhaps?
>From the Russians. (And they aren't Jewish Russians).
>Do you ever wonder why your "facts" are at odds with every shred of evidence on planet?
Actually, that is the question YOU should answer. You so seldom get
any fact correct.
>You already saw this post from Yuriy, no?
Several times. He's wrong, if he thinks there was never a
Tatar-Mongol invasion of Russia (hint: it was a long time after "700
after Christ"). If he's never heard of Alexander Nevsky, Dmitri
Donsky or Ivan the Great, or doesn't know why they are famous; if he
doesn't know how Kievan Rus fell or how the capital of Russia came to
be in Moscow, he probably isn't really Russian.
>Kievan Rus' struggled on into the 13th century, but was decisively
> destroyed by the arrival of a new invader--the Mongols. In 1237 Batu
> Khan, a grandson of Jenghiz Khan, launched an invasion into Kievan
> Rus' from his capital on the lower Volga (at present-day Kazan). Over
> the next three years the Mongols (or Tatars) destroyed all of the
> major cities of Kievan Rus' with the exceptions of Novgorod and
> Pskov. The regional princes were not deposed, but they were forced to
> send regular tribute to the Tatar state, which became known as the
> Empire of the Golden Horde. Invasions of Russia were attempted during
> this period from the west as well, first by the Swedes (1240) and
> then by the Livonian Brothers of the Sword (1242), a regional branch
> of the fearsome Teutonic Knights. In the best news of the era for
> Russia, both were decisively defeated by the great warrior Alexander
> Nevsky, a prince of Novgorod who earned his surname from his victory
> over the Swedes on the Neva River.
>>For the next century or so, very little seems to have happened in
> Russia. In fact, given the tribute demanded by the Tatars, there
> wasn't much money available for building, campaigns, or anything else
> of that sort. With the Tatars off to the southwest, the northeastern
> cities gradually gained more influence--first Tver, and then, around
> the turn of the 14th century, Moscow. As a sign of the city's
> importance, the patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church was
> transferred to the city, making it the spiritual capital of Russia.
> By the latter part of the century, Moscow felt strong enough to
> challenge the Tatars directly, and in 1380 a Muscovite prince named
> Dmitri Donskoy had the audacity to attack them. His decisive victory
> at Kulikovo Field immediately made him a popular hero, though the
> Tatar retaliation two years later maintained their rule over the
> city. It wasn't until 1480, after another century had passed, that
> Moscow was strong enough to throw off Tatar rule for good. Its ruler
> at that time was Grand Duke Ivan III, better known as Ivan the Great.
> Ivan began by subjugating most of Moscow's rival cities, and by the
> time he tore up the charter binding it to Tatar tribute he was
> effectively in control of the entire country. However, it wasn't
> until the reign of his grandson, Ivan IV (the Terrible), that Russia
> became a unified state.
>From first hand observations of Russia, I guarantee you that what
> Yuriy *knows* about Russia from growing up there is far more accurate
> than what any "liberal" might "think" about Russia from reading
> jewish fairy tales from afar.
I have visited Novgorod and Moscow, and I've read about the above in
both Russian and English texts. .i kazhetsya mne shto ty ne znayish
russkiy yazik.