"Cary Kittrell" <cary at afone.as.arizona.edu> wrote in message
news:alj1c0$4ul$1 at oasis.ccit.arizona.edu...
> In article <_3ee9.58074$Ic7.4272085 at news2.west.cox.net> "John Knight"
<jwknight at polbox.com> writes:
> <This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> <
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> <
> <"Cary Kittrell" <cary at afone.as.arizona.edu> wrote in message =
> <news:albba1$j5$1 at oasis.ccit.arizona.edu...> <
> <> <John, I've noticed that some Christians are able to accept that they
> <> <(again, according to their myths) are "adopted" sons of Abraham
> <> <without trying to push the "firstborn" out of the way. And I've
> <> <noticed that some who claim to be Christian seem to think that the
> <> <only way that they can "prove" their "fitness" is to dispariage the
> <> <Jews. Which category do you fall in?
> <> <
> <> <That's a serious question, John -- not a flame, an insult, or a =
> <troll.
> <> <
> <>
> <> Please, then, allow me: John falls into a noticibly distinct group --
> <> nominal Christians who are nowhere near ready to go in for all
> <> that Jesus stuff -- mercy and charity and self-sacrifice and
> <> loving those who hate you -- they're by temperament far more
> <> comfortable with the Old Testament ambiance, all that smiting
> <> and abominating and all-around tribalistic xenophobia. Reflexively
> <> exclusive, not inclusive, by nature, they look about for something to
> <> support their us-vs-them tendencies, and it's obvious where that's
> <> to be found. Only problem: YWH clearly wasn't talking to us.
> <> As a matter of fact, YWH spends a great deal of time warning the
> <> Chosen against the likes of us. So what's a bigot to do when
> <> faced with such roaring cognitive dissonance?
> <>
> <> You've seen the answer to that. Not pretty, is it?
> <>
> <>
> <>
> <> -- cary
> <
> <Sooo, you want to stick to the "New Testament" and throw out the "Old", =
> <cary? Why exactly would that be? Would you mind explaining that? No?
> <
>>> Oh me, I don't particularly care about either. Is that forthcoming enough
> you?
>>> But I was talking about you, and the way you constantly wrap yourself
> in the banner of Christianity while simultaneously holding the virtues
> the Christ taught, self-sacrifice, detachment from this
> world, and unconditional love of and service to others in contempt,
> as you evince daily in your posts.
The Holy Bible isn't a smorgasbord where you get to pick and choose the
parts you want, and throw out the rest.
By ignoring, condemning, insulting, or neglecting the Old Testament, you do
Christianity a tremendous disservice.
John Knight