In article <9xfe9.58138$Ic7.4306187 at> "John Knight" <jwknight at> writes:
<"Cary Kittrell" <cary at> wrote in message
<news:alatuk$11s$1 at
<> In article <8k6e9.56509$Ic7.4135297 at> "John Knight"
<<jwknight at> writes:
<> <
<> <
<> <Harvard Hates The White Race?
<> <By Paul Craig Roberts
<> <
<> <September 04, 2002
<> <
<> <Is the multicultural campaign really about diversity? Or is it about
<> <stamping out Western civilization and the "white race" itself?
<> <
<> <College students will tell you that a university education today is a
<> <trip for whites. The purpose is to prevent whites from appreciating and
<> <absorbing their own culture and to make it difficult for whites to resist
<> <the unreasonable demands (quotas, reparations, etc.) from "people of
<> <
<> <To the questions, "who am I, what am I," the white university graduate
<> <answers: "a racist, sexist, homophobic oppressor."
<> <
<> Proving what, exactly? That every group has its extremist nutcases?
<> I'll cheerfully give you that. Of course there are blacks like
<> Farrakhan and Sharpton, Jews like Meir Kahane and this Ignatiev, Hispanics
<> like Gutierrez, whites like David Duke and you. One thing you all
<> have in common, in addition to your fill-in-blank-here identical
<> rhetoric and willingness to sacrifice truth for The Cause, is that
<> average members of whichever group you claim to be trying to save
<> have no use for you. Maybe you guys ought to form support groups
<> for one another. It's lonely out there on the front, eh?
<> Tell you what: I'll give you ten bucks for every white grad you
<> can find who will spontaneously answer "Who are you?" with
<> "I am a racist, sexist, homophobic opressor" if you'll give
<> me a quarter for every one I can find who will roll their
<> eyes at the whole idea.
<> -- cary
<There are 50,000 jewish LIES spouted in the "American" news media daily, and
<then there's reality.
<The twain shall never meet.
Tell you what: I'll give you ten bucks for every white grad you
can find who will spontaneously answer "Who are you?" with
"I am a racist, sexist, homophobic opressor" if you'll give
me a quarter for every one I can find who will roll their
eyes at the whole idea.
-- cary
p.s: you currently owe me seven bucks on our little bet over
how long it will take all of "you" to exile the Jews
from this country. But don't fret, you still have
993 days to break even.