brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Mon Sep 9 11:26:50 EST 2002

"Joseph A Nagy Jr" <pagan_prince at charter.net> wrote in message
news:3D7CC61B.7060908 at charter.net...
> Matthew Amsel wrote:
> > weird thing about those numbers. have you ever looked at a map of that
> > desert? given the severe lack of highrise apartments in that era, a
> > group of 2 million people would have some people seeing the sea and some
> > seeing the jordan river. there just isn't room for them all (unless
> > einstein's curved space theories can be meshed with quantum mech. hmm..)
> >
> > John Knight wrote:
> >
> >>We have not the slightest idea how long Stonehenge has been there, Joe.
> >>When you consider that, at the normal growth rate of the human
> >>the 2-3 million Israelites who were with Moses when they left Egypt
> >>have been 6 billion Israelites within 600 years, you have to question
all of
> >>these estimates that humans have been around for "ten thousand years".
> >>at the slowest population growth rate on the planet, it would have taken
> >>only 1,500 years to grow to 6 billion (which is the current world
> >>population) http://christianparty.net/population.htm
> >>
> >>John Knight
> >
> Another weird thing is he doesn't account for the death rate exceeding the
> rate. With his numbers the birth rate would always have to exceed the
death rate,
> even during times of plague and war.

But these population figures do account for plague and war.

There are now almost 900 million niggers in Africa, a four fold increase
just since 1950 (228 million).

Did they have wars?  Yes.  Did they have plagues?  Yes.  Did they kill each
other by the millions?  Yes.  Did they have "birth control"?  Yes, something
they never had prior to the last 50 years.  Same with abortions.  Same with

In spite of what our jewish "doctors" pronounce about their
"accomplishments" in Africa, the introduction of AIDS through the Salk and
Sabin "polio vaccines" probably killed more niggers than ever, and the AIDS
death rate is skyrocketing.  But still the population quadrupled.

Africans weren't the only population which increased dramatically during a
time of war.  In spite of the Iran-Iraq War, the populations of both Iran
and Iraq grew even more than Africa's population.

At least get the basic facts straight, Joseph.

John Knight

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