I found some useful links at The Science & Consciousness Review Web Site [everything not otherwise indicated is quoted directly from the linked sites]
Links to Society For Neuroscience Annual Meeting stuff:
Public Lecture
Saturday, November 2
Orange County Convention Center, Valencia Room
Sponsored by Elsevier Science
Dynamic Interplay Between Nature and Nurture in Brain Wiring
C. Shatz, Harvard Med. Sch. [Good for you, Dr. Shatz!]
There are over one trillion nerve cells in the brain, and each can make up to 10,000 connections. How are connections wired during development? First, a basic scaffold of connectivity is formed according to genetic blueprints. Next, adult neural circuits are sculpted from immature ones. Thus, a baby's brain is not a miniature of adult, but rather is a dynamically changing structure engaged in ongoing decision-making that ultimately constructs adult circuitry.
History of Neuroscience Lecture
Tuesday, November 5
Orange County Convention Center, Valencia Room
The Origins of Modern Neuroscience: A Personal Perspective
G.M. Shepherd, Yale Univ. Sch. of Med. [Author of one of my early-on 'textbook Colleagues']
Modern neuroscience originated in the 1950s. Beginning with that era, I will discuss the rise of studies of synaptic microcircuits and their relation to active dendrites, computational neuroscience, and the cellular basis of brain imaging. I will share thoughts on the past and future of textbooks and journals, and on the new field of neuroinformatics.
Special Lecture
Monday, November 4
Orange County Convention Center, Valencia Room
Thalamic Relay Functions and their Role in Corticocortical Communication
S.M. Sherman, State Univ. of New York, Stony Brook
As illustrated by the LGN (the thalamic relay for retina), the thalamus significantly affects relay of information to cortex. Furthermore, new evidence suggests a key role for thalamus in corticocortical communication, involving a cortico-thalamo-cortical route, which is controlled by the same thalamic properties that apply to the LGN relay.
How To Take Neuroscience into the Schools
Sunday, Nov. 3
Peabody Orlando Hotel, Orlando Ballroom 1
With the Administration's vision of "No Child Left Behind," a variety of initiatives help raise the performance of American students in the sciences. In this workshop, representatives from NIH, NSF and HHMI will provide background on their programs and the kind of proposals that they are looking for from K-12 schools and higher education institutions. This will be followed by an open discussion of funding agency representatives, neuroscientists and teachers involved in science education focusing on the tools we need to accelerate the involvement of more scientists in K-12 education and inspire more students to consider science as a career.
Organizers: William Cameron, Oregon Health Sciences University (cameronw at ohsu.edu); James Crandall, E.K. Shriver Center (james.crandall at umassmed.edu).
Short Course for High School Students
Monday, Nov. 4
Orange County Convention Center, Room 109B
Pre-college science students from the Orlando (Central Florida) area will be invited to attend the one-day "Short Course for High School Students" at the 2002 Annual Meeting on Monday, November 4. Included will be presentations by prominent neuroscientists (Donald L. Price, past-President, SFN, Director, Division of Neuropathology and Alzheimer's Research Center, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions; Nicolas G. Bazan, Director, Neuroscience Center, LSUHSC), and a panel discussion.
The course will introduce students to neuroscience research, the life of a neuroscientist, and the impact research has had on our understanding of the brain. Students will tour the exhibits and poster sessions, and share their experiences over a sit-down lunch.
Guides Needed!
Anyone who would like to serve as a guide for the high school students should contact Reha Erzurumlu at rerzur at lsuhsc.edu (504-568-4016), James Herman at jpherman at psychiatry.uc.edu (513- 558-4813), Marcie Pospichal at timandmarci at myexcel.com.http://web.sfn.org/content/Meetings_Events/AnnualMeeting2002/SessionsandEvents1/Workshops/handson.html
Hands-On Neuroscience Activities
Saturday, Nov. 2
Peabody Orlando Hotel; Butler, Challenger, Discovery and Columbia Rooms
The Hands-On Neuroscience Workshops will be presented on Saturday afternoon to neuroscientists and K-12 teachers interested in learning how to conduct specific neuroscience activities in a hands-on format. The various lessons are targeted for use with elementary, middle and high school students. Each workshop will last 75 minutes to allow participants time to engage in and discuss the activity. Participants may attend two of the four demonstrations that will be presented. The titles, instructors and targeted graded levels of the activities are listed below:
1. Kid-Tested and Approved Demonstrations of Nerve Cell Fundamentals
Grades 3-12
Organizers Sarah Berke and Tammy Lisi; University of Iowa; Iowa City, IA
Paul Meyer and Adam Weitemier; Oregon Health & Science University; Portland, OR
Deborah L. Colbern, Ph.D.; National Kids Judge! Neuroscience Fairs Partnership; Venice, CA
2. Altered Reality - Developing Student Inquiry in Neuroscience
Grades 5-12
Organizers Carrie MacNabb; University of Minnesota; Minneapolis, MN; and Lee Schmitt; Science Museum of Minnesota; Saint Paul, MN
3. Neuroscience: Creative Writing Recapitulates Creative Thinking
Grades 7-12
Organizers Roxanne Prichard; University of Wisconsin; Madison, WI
4. Sensory Detection and Neural Processing
Grades 5-12
Organizers James D. Churchill, Ph.D.; and Donna L. Korol, Ph.D.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL
Registration Information: Registration for this workshop is free and will be accepted until 30 participants are enrolled in each workshop, so register early to reserve your spot! Please choose two workshops on the registration form.
For more information, please contact Cynthia.L.Phelps at uth.tmc.edu or call 713-500-3926.
Organizers: C.L. Phelps, University of Texas-Houston; G. Duncan, University of North Carolina.
Grant Support from NSF for Improving Education in the Neurosciences
Sunday, November 3
Orange County Convention Center, Room 313
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation.
Information will be available on programs that support the development of course, curriculum, and laboratory materials, experiences for undergraduate students with diverse career aspirations, research experiences for undergraduates, programs that better prepare K-12 teachers to teach science, and the Faculty Career Development (CAREER) Program.
Several neuroscientists directing projects supported by NSF will be invited to describe their projects. NSF will also maintain an exhibit booth featuring relevant publications and program officers available for extended conversation.
Contacts: H. Levitan. E-mail: hlevitan at nsf.gov; C. Platt E-mail: cplatt at nsf.gov.
Other Conferences:
Philosophy and Neuroscience Conference [Oct 17. Ottawaw, Canada]
The Self: From Soul to Brain, NYAS conference [New York, Sep 26 - Sep 28]
Emotions Inside Out: 130 Years after Darwin's The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals
NYAS conference [New York, Nov 16 - Nov 17]
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