is it my imagination, or is about 1/7 of this quiz "are jews
John Knight wrote:
>> >
> > Consider the following:
> >
> > 1). Have the Jews been a blessing to all nations?
hmm... medecine, physics, civil rights.. i'd think so
> >
> > 2). Have the Jews been "Circumcised In The Heart?"
> >
mostly in the penis
> > 3). Do the Jews glorify Jesus Christ?
the point of glorifying some other religion's messiah is what,
> >
> > 4). Do the Jews declare that Jesus is God?
> >
see above
> > 5). Do the Jews show forth the praises of Christ, God's Son?
> >
see above
> > 6). Have the Jews carried the message of "personal" and "national"
> Salvation to the ends of the Earth?
> >
Judaism isn't a proselytizing religion
> > 7). Do the Jewish people have God's Spirit in their hearts?
judaism teaches that all people bear the spirit of G-D
> >
> > 8). Was the New Covenant (Testament) written to Jews or Israelites and
> what is the difference between the two?
As i understand it, it was written for all.
> >
> > 9). Are the Jews the "lost sheep of the house of Israel?"
> >
> >
nope. they're the ones who never got lost in the first place.
> > 10). Are the Jews the "children of God, scattered abroad?"
> >
> > 11). Are the Jews the servants of God?
> >
aren't all people the servants of god?
> > 12). Are the Jews a Holy Nation and People?
> >
> > 13). Are there any Jews mentioned in the "faith chapter" of Hebrews 11?
> >
ah, the apocrypha. always good for a cheap laugh.
> > 14). Are the Jews a righteous nation?
> >
> > 15). Are the Jews bringing forth the fruits of God's Kingdom?
> >
negev desert 80 years ago = just sand. now it has grasses, farms, and
orchards. what do YOU think
> > 16). Are the Jews kind to strangers in their midst?
> >
> > 17). Are the Jews called the "children of the living God?"
> >
read the jewish daily liturgy, specifically the Amidah. in short, yes.
but then, aren't all people the children of god?
> > 18). Do the Jews admit that they are not God's People?
> >
> > 19). Do the Jews have all of God's Word?
> >
think so, but it is, of course, an unproveable assertion.
> > 20). Are the Jews a Great and Mighty Nation?
> >
we like to think so
> > 21). Do the Jews possess the "gates of their enemies?"
> >
> > 22). Are the Jews a "company of nations?"
nope, just one (or 2, really). or none. it depends on whether the word
nation is used politically or spiritually
> >
> > 23). Are the Jews above all people in moral excellence?
> >
about average, i'd say. (of course, there aren't any Jewish Klansmen,
which brings it up a bit)
> > 24). Are the Jews today called through Isaac?
> >
"called"? huh?
> > 25). Have the Jews ever lost their identity?
> >
> > 26). Have the Jews ever been called by a "new name?"
> >
yup. the Indians called them "the people of the book".
> > 27). Are the major heathen nations aligned against the Jews alone?
> >
> > 28). Are the modern day Jews described as "a great lion?"
> >
is anyone?
> > 29). Did the Jews deliver Jerusalem from the power of the heathen?
> >
yes, actually. the 6 day war in '67.
> > 30). Has the Jewish people ever had the name of "Great?"
> >
> > 31). Have the Jews been foremost in ending slavery?
> >
you do know that a dozen or so rabbis marched with Rev. Martin Luther
King Jr.
> > 32). Have the Jews been great colonizers?
> >
> > 33). Do the Jews recognize Jesus as Messiah?
> >
see question 3
> > 34). Does your pastor teach that the "Jews are all of Israel?"
aside from the 10 lost tribes, yes.
> >
> > 35). Do you honestly know what the Bible teaches about the Jews and
> Israel?
> >
having read it, yes i do.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >