brain sizes: Einstein's & women's

Dan Holzman holzman at panix.com
Sun Sep 8 20:30:24 EST 2002

In article <71Re9.66590$Ic7.4889537 at news2.west.cox.net>,
John Knight <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>Most people in the world believe the term "mafia" applies to jews, not

Of course, John knows this because he's checked -- "most people in the
world" refers to the voices that speak to him.

>There was a "mafia" of sorts in Russia, but not a single Italian
>in sight--because it was made up of all jews.  

"Mafia" at this point has become something of a generic term, for
example the Yakuza is often referred to as the "Japanese mafia," but
no one (expect perhaps John Knight) thinks this means that it's
Italians getting dragon tatoos and cutting off their fingers.  Though
perhaps John thinks it's Jews.  Similarly, the Russian mafia was
composed of Russians.

But let me expand my double-dog dare to include walking up to any
member of the Russian mafia and telling them that they're Jews.

>So was the "communist party".
>When a White Russian refers to a "communist", he's referring to a jew.

This will come as a great surprise to Stalin, Kruschiev, Brezhnev,
Andropov, Chernenko and Gorbachev.  It will also be quite a shock to
Putin, I'm sure.


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