brain sizes: Einstein's & women's

raugust at ptd.net raugust at ptd.net
Sun Sep 8 18:03:24 EST 2002

"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message
news:f7fmnuokttn4opugcakmnmuqpci7337366 at 4ax.com...
> "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
> >Can you read?
> Can you?
> >Where was it written that you were requested to complete a survey?
> >
> >It's a simple "yes" or "no" question:  "do you agree with the majority of
> >Americans on any of the following issues?"
> That is a survey question, as are most yes/no questions on issues with
> some meat.  It demands a black and white answer to a question (or in
> this case several questions) of gray.  I agree with "the majority of
> Americans" on parts of each of those issues, but I don't think many of
> those Americans would agree with you entirely on ANY of them.
> Besides, it was totally irrelevant to what he had posted (not that you
> understand just how irrelevant most of your postings are to any of us
> - you are mere entertainment)
> >If you've got enough time to live in this Christian nation and take
> >advantage of its protection of free speech, then you've got enough time
> >say: Yes, or no?
> What does "having enough time" have to do with wanting do take your
> nincompoop survey?
> lojbab

Okay, Bob, here's a response from John Knight:

"Where was it written that you were requested to complete a survey?

It's a simple "yes" or "no" question:  "do you agree with the majority of
Americans on any of the following issues?""

And here's one of YOUR responses:

repeated ad infinitum, ad nausaeum.

Is your vocabulary THAT limited, or do you need a thesaurus to avoid using
trite cliche's?

Let's all join in the rousing lojbab chorus:

"nincompoop, nincompoop, that's where I go,
nincompoop, nincompoop, that's all I know,
nincompoop, nincompoop, drive your car,
nincompoop, nincompoop, there I are."

Your limited vocabulary proves what YOU are compared to what John Knight is.
I'd really like to view your website, oh flamer supreme.


Richard C. August

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