brain sizes: Einstein's & women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Sat Sep 7 21:10:51 EST 2002

Well said, Jack.  And Ed.

John Knight

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jack Lancaster" <aiken at internetcds.com>

> The Talmud came from Babylon. It is the traditions of men. Jesus said all
> that followed that man made tradition was the synagogue of Satan.It has
> nothing to do with the Bible..It calls Jesus a bastard and Christian are
> despised by it's followers..Read a close translation of it that has not been
> doctored and you will see this is true or have someone who has a translation
> send some of the translations to you. We have been deceived. .Jack...
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Edgar J. Steele" <steele at conspiracypenpal.com>
> To: "Conspiracy Pen Pal" <steele at conspiracypenpal.com>
> Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2002 2:31 PM
> Subject: Know the Breed, Know the Dog
> > Know the Breed, Know the Dog
> >
> > by Edgar J. Steele
> >
> > September 7, 2002
> >
> > Know the breed, know the dog
> > ---Russian proverb
> >
> > By now, most of us have heard of the allegedly-white Harvard professor who
> > wants to abolish the white race.  His outlandish statements made news from
> > coast to coast this past week.
> >
> > You can see the Washington Times article on Noel Ignatiev, founder of a
> > journal called Race Traitor and a fellow at Harvard's W.E.B. DuBois
> > Institute, a leading black-studies department, for yourself at
> > http://www.washtimes.com/national/20020904-4292682.htm .
> >
> > Mr. Ignatiev pledges to "keep bashing the dead white males, and the live
> > ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as 'the white
> > race' is destroyed - not 'deconstructed' but destroyed."
> >
> > Ignatiev, a Marxist activist who earned a doctorate at Harvard,  maintains
> > a web site at http://www.racetraitor.org , the motto of which is: "Treason
> > to whiteness is loyalty to humanity."
> > It will come as little surprise to most readers of this column to learn
> > that Ignatiev is one of the Chosen, born of jewish Russian immigrants.
> >
> > I have often reported how the white race is under an ever-increasing
> > assault from those who pretend to be members of it, yet are invariably
> > identifiable as being jewish.  The fellow who sued to remove "under God"
> > from the Pledge of Allegiance is one, for example, though he takes pains
> to
> > pretend otherwise.
> >
> > In almost every case where there is a lawsuit against things Christian,
> > whether in public places or of a seasonal nature, you will find plaintiffs
> > that are jewish, often lawyers representing themselves, and many of the
> > professional participants in the courtroom to be Chosen, as well.
> >
> > The original founders of most militant black organizations were jewish.
> > Until recently, the head of the NAACP was always one of the Chosen.  The
> > advancement of diversity has always been at the expense of white
> Americans.
> > We now are far enough along that particular path to see that it can end
> > only in chaos, of course.
> >
> > The American criminal culture has always been jewish run, though the
> > jewish-controlled media has done its best to lay that off on Sicilians.
> > Meyer Lansky, Legs Diamond, Bugsy Siegel, Al Capone...jews, every single
> > one of them.  Italian mafia?  Just the cover story.
> >
> > Finally, the term "Russian Mafia" is gaining weight, by virtue of the
> flood
> > of Russians into America following the fall of the Soviet Union.  What
> that
> > term obscures, however, is the racial backbone of the Russian
> > Mafia...jewish, of course.
> >
> > Since jews are predominantly atheistic (yes, it is a racial term,
> Virginia,
> > and even Israel is home to a majority atheist population), it is easy for
> > them to pass themselves off as disaffected Christians or, at minimum,
> > whites solely interested in "fairness, equality and diversity."
> >
> > Make no mistake about this:  Whites of european extraction are under
> attack
> > throughout the world and, particularly, in America today.  This is
> > genocide, pure and simple, albeit stealth warfare at its best.
> >
> > Mr. Ignatiev is to be respected for his honesty, if nothing else, though
> it
> > would be nice if he would come clean about the ultimate reason for his
> > battle cry:  to maintain and strengthen jewish hegemony in America and
> > spread it, via the New World Order, to the rest of the globe.
> >
> > Many feel at odds with today's events, as though we were meant for another
> > time and another place. Yes, we had a time. Ours was about 1890, so near
> as
> > I can tell. That was a wonderful era between the Civil War and WWI. Our
> > grandfathers and great-grandfathers knew it well. It grew out of, and
> > because of, great tribulation.
> >
> > Our fathers failed to listen to the lessons put forth by their fathers. We
> > are awakening enough to regret our fathers' failings. Our children and
> > grandchildren will pay the price.  Their children will reap the harvest of
> > what we sow today.
> >
> > When it gets bad enough, and things seem quickly to be coming to a head,
> > then many like ourselves will take up arms alongside our children and set
> > things right again. Likely, we will be fighting off the invaders who will
> > have just lain waste to our cities.
> >
> > I pray that our government will not continue much farther down the path it
> > has chosen, else it must inevitably become our mortal enemy, even before
> it
> > brings down upon us the cataclysm that now seems so likely.
> >
> > Meanwhile, we must do our best to awaken others. That is our task for now.
> > To be awake early is to be cursed with the duty to awaken the others. That
> > is why we have been given this insight. Take joy from this task. Aside
> from
> > family, it is the only joy available until we cross over the troubles that
> > lie ahead.
> >
> > God willing, there will be another time for us beyond those troubles.
> >
> > But, in a very real sense, this IS our time and our place. America's
> > founding fathers lived and died in far more distress than you and I
> > currently experience. So few of them made it through to the good times,
> yet
> > look at the difference they made. And we honor their memory, as ours will
> > be honored, provided we do our duty.
> >
> > Now it is our turn to make a difference. Though things will get worse -
> > much worse - before they get better, we have no choice but to stay the
> > course that destiny has thrust upon us.
> >
> > We cannot, we must not, shrink from the task at hand. We all have one
> > talent which shines above others. We must use whatever we have been
> granted
> > in life to help make that difference.
> >
> > We, all of us, every single one of us, have a role to play in these times.
> > For now, we awaken the others and we prepare. In time, we will have other
> > duties.
> >
> > Time and events make leaders; it does not happen in reverse. When the time
> > is right, our leaders will emerge. They are already here among us. Every
> > place I look, I see men brimming with potential.
> >
> > Many feel frustrated, knowing what is coming while, all around, people
> seem
> > unaware. Do not despair at the pace, because it is necessary - necessary
> > for events to unfold further before we can awaken all the others. Current
> > events are what give us the means to awaken them.
> >
> > Yes, it is more than one man or, even, many men can do. But, together, we
> > can and will all rise to this task, just as our race has done so many
> times
> > in its illustrious history. Nobody will save you. But, together, we can
> > save one another. We can ensure a future for our children and theirs.
> >
> > History is littered with the debris of those who would not speak up. I,
> for
> > one, refuse to be counted among their ranks.  Join me in this great
> > undertaking.  Our time is now.
> >
> > Together, we can make a New America. Together, we can do anything.
> >
> > -ed
> >
> > "I didn't say it would be easy.  I just said it would be the truth."
> >             - Morpheus
> >
> > Copyright © Edgar J. Steele, 2002
> >
> > Forward as you wish.  Permission is granted to circulate
> > among private individuals and groups, post on all Internet
> > sites and publish in full in all not-for-profit publications.
> > Contact author for all other rights, which are reserved.
> >
> > Write to me at Steele at ConspiracyPenPal.com
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------

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