brain sizes: Einstein's & women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Sat Sep 7 21:09:35 EST 2002

"Lance O. Lake" <hammer at stakepounders.us> wrote in message
news:0001HW.B9A00C1D0017BB99157C75A0 at news-west.giganews.com...
> On Sat, 7 Sep 2002 14:24:47 -0500, John SlaveThing Knight wrote
> (in message <3ose9.60196$Ic7.4523434 at news2.west.cox.net>):
> > So tell us, "Lance O. Lake", are you a "liberal" like lojbab, or do you
> > agree with the majority of Americans on any of the following issues?
> I don't answer surveys put out by subservient freaks of middle eastern
> mystical religions.
> Bow down and worship and continue your death throes or grow up and be a
> man.
> Your choice, freak.
> Lance

Can you read?

Where was it written that you were requested to complete a survey?

It's a simple "yes" or "no" question:  "do you agree with the majority of
Americans on any of the following issues?"

If you've got enough time to live in this Christian nation and take
advantage of its protection of free speech, then you've got enough time to
say: Yes, or no?

John Knight

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