brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Sat Sep 7 14:24:48 EST 2002

Part of the problem Willie, but maybe not all of it, is that jews are moral minors.  They're too STUPID to comprehend that if they don't live by rules of civilized behavior, the world will ultimately treat them exactly like they insist on treating others.

You have to be REAL stupid to not understand the consequences of demanding that American citizens who are Muslms be tortured, or held without bail, or tried by military tribunals--because the very FIRST application of any such law will be against those who sponsored it.



----- Original Message ----- 
"Willie Martin" <texan13 at earthlink.net> wrote:

> Yet the Jews themselves say that Judaism is not a religion: 
> "Judaism was not a religion but a law." (Moses Mendelssohn, The Jewish Plato) 
> Which shows that one of the great myths of our time is that a Jewish synagogue is the same thing as a Christian church. Even the Jews disagree with this, just as they do the definition of Judaism. Most people think that the only difference is that Christians believe that the Messiah has already arrived in the personage of Jesus Christ while the Jews reject Christ.
> What Are The Real Differences?
> 1). Christians believe that those who accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and lead a righteous life will be rewarded with eternal life in heaven while sinners who are unforgiven will go to a burning hell. But the Jewish Encyclopedia (1948 edition) relates a different story: 
> "Heaven, it was thought, must merely be an idealized state of existence on earth!" (The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1948 edition, Vol. 5, p. 269) 
> "Beliefs about the hereafter never solidified into dogmas in Judaism...Traditional Judaism consigns this subject to the realm - of those hidden matters on which it is deemed inadvisable to speculate. The final destiny of the individual is subordinated to the question of the future of the Jewish people." (The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1948 edition, Vol. 4, p. 484)
> Thus Judaism is based on the future success of the Jewish people and not upon a heavenly reward from God. However, Orthodox Jews believe that the Judgement Day will arrive when all Gentiles are dominated by the Jewish Nation! 
> When Jews join a synagogue, they sign a contract to pay so much money per year. The better the seating, the higher the price. There have been court cases of Jews being sued by the Rabbi after dropping out and not paying the contract in full. They may still owe hundreds or thousands of dollars! Tickets are also sold for special events in the synagogue during High Holy Days.
> 2). Christians will accept anyone into a church whether they can give large or small voluntary donations or nothing at all. Christians also give millions of dollars a year to help poor people throughout the world regardless of what religion they follow. THE JEWS DO NOT BELIEVE IN GIVING MONEY TO ANY ORGANIZATION UNLESS IT BENEFITS A JEWISH CAUSE.
> Judaism is the only religion in the world which has no "missionary" program. They frown on converts and believe that one must be born of a Jewish mother in order to be recognized as a Jew. Today may Jews will accept one born of a Jewish Father. It is Jewish blood which makes one a Jew, not a race. Jews actively try to discourage converts. Many who have married Jews and sought to become converts say they are never truly accepted by the other Jews as a "fellow Jew." Yet David Ben Gurion said anyone is a Jew who says they are.
> 3). Christian churches spend millions annually on missionary efforts world-wide to win one and all to the faith of Jesus Christ. All who are baptized and accept Christ as their Lord and Savior are happily welcomed into the fellowship of Christianity.
> The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1948 edition, regarding the striking differences which exits between Judaism and other religions states: 
> "The very name Judaism sharply differentiates it from other religions. Whereas Buddhism centers in Buddha, Christianity in Christ, Mohammedanism in Mohammed, Judaism centers in no particular personality - but the Jewish people themselves...while Christianity is based upon events in the life of Christ, Judaism is based on occurrences in the history of the Jews. Christians look to Jesus Christ for their salvation and Godliness. In Judaism the center of gravity is the Jewish people themselves. Jewish history records a continuous struggle against other nations and their religions...Judaism has grown out of the soul of the Jewish people and has been nourished by their life-blood. Hence it is not called Mosaism, prophetism, rabbinism, but Judaism - AFTER THE JEWISH PEOPLE THEMSELVES!" (The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1948 edition, Vol. 6)
>       The first persecution of Christians under the Roman
> Empire was instigated by the Jews. Until a few years ago
> historians generally accepted the statement of Tacitus that
> Nero had the followers of Christ thrown to the lions to 
> divert suspicion from himself after he had caused Rome to
> be burned. But modern scholarship, availing tiself of other
> sources (Suetonius Clement of Rome, Tertullian) has made it
> appear that the persecution had nothing to do with the fire.
> Pooppaea, the wife of Nero, is known to have protected the
> Jews and was a Jewess. Several fairly recent historians 
> believe that the Jews of Rome, working through her and
> others of their religion in the Imperial court, directed
> Nero's attention to the Christians and persuaded him that
> they were guilty of various crimes. Vide Leon Hardy Canfield, 
> The Early Persecution of the Christians, New York 1913;
> J.F. Bacchus, The Neronian Peseuction, Dublin Review, 1908, 
> pp. 287 et seq; Allard, Histoire des persecutions pendant
> les deux preieres siecles, Paris, 1903, pp. 43 et seq.;
> E. Th. Klette, Die Christenkatastrophe unter Nero, Tubingen,
> 1907, p. 18, the other referenes given by Mr. Canfield in this 
> interesting and scholarly study. Jewish scholars admit the 
> animus of the Jews against the Christians and the extraordinary
> favor shown to the former by Poppaea: for example, vide Ismar 
> Elbogen, History of the Jews, Berlin, English Translation, 
> Cincinnati, 1926)
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