brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Sat Sep 7 14:24:47 EST 2002

"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message news:tasinusmm4fllj3j2nt22hicurjegjo12u at 4ax.com...
> "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
> >> Please, then, allow me: John falls into a noticibly distinct group --
> >> nominal Christians who are nowhere near ready to go in for all
> >> that Jesus stuff -- mercy and charity and self-sacrifice and
> >> loving those who hate you -- they're by temperament far more
> >> comfortable with the Old Testament ambiance, all that smiting 
> >> and abominating and all-around tribalistic xenophobia.  Reflexively 
> >> exclusive, not inclusive, by nature, they look about for something to 
> >> support their us-vs-them tendencies, and it's obvious where that's
> >> to be found.  Only problem: YWH clearly wasn't talking to us.
> >> As a matter of fact, YWH spends a great deal of time warning the
> >> Chosen against the likes of us.  So what's a bigot to do when
> >> faced with such roaring cognitive dissonance?  
> >> 
> >> You've seen the answer to that.  Not pretty, is it?
> >> 
> >> -- cary
> >Sooo, you want to stick to the "New Testament" and throw out the
> > "Old", cary?  Why exactly would that be?  Would you mind explaining
> > that?  No?
> Can't understand English as usual, nincompoop?  Cary said quite
> clearly that it was YOU who seemed to be insisting on the Old
> Testament rules that YOU (and almost all of the 2 billion Christians,
> barring only those such as the Jews for Jesus) do not keep.

So, here we are, back to you "feeling strongly both ways" again, eh, lojbab?

Once again, your argument is with yourself, not with White Christian Israelites.  

Cary says:  "they're by temperament far more comfortable with the Old Testament ambiance", and you, a "liberal", then "interpret" this to mean exactly the opposite:

  "Cary said quite clearly that it was YOU who seemed to be insisting on the Old
  Testament rules that YOU do not keep"

Do you ever get embarassed when you make these 180 degree contradictory statements?  Or do you just not know that you do this?  Are you this STUPID, or this much pre-programmed?

Cary is accusing White Christian Israelites of sticking too close to the Old Testament, and you "interpret" this to mean that he's accusing Israelites of NOT "insisting on the Old Testament rules".

Do you ever even notice that your "difference of opinion" is usually with yourself?

John Knight
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