Real Homeland Security
American Dissident Voices Broadcast of September 7, 2002
Welcome to American Dissident Voices. I'm Kevin Alfred Strom.
When I went to a major metropolitan airport a few weeks ago, I was
impressed by the security measures that had been put in place since the
September 11th terror attacks last year. I was impressed not by the
increase in security precautions, which were mildly in evidence, but
mainly by the fact that very little had changed. The security personnel
were as blasé as ever, as scruffy, poorly uniformed and apparently as
poorly-paid as ever, and as Third World as ever.
The crowd of passengers that was going through security that day was a
fairly White crowd, with a few prosperous Blacks and Asian tourists
thrown in; but the vast majority having their luggage and shoes
electronically scanned looked like White Americans and Europeans, with
familiar, friendly faces, hardly the sort that you'd expect to brandish
box cutters and fly a plane into the side of a skyscraper.
You couldn't say the same for the security personnel -- only a small
minority of them were White Americans or any kind of White anything.
Quite a few looked like they could be Mohammed Atta's cousins. You've
probably read in the press that the security systems at our airports
would be federalized and staffed by highly-trained, highly-paid
Perhaps a vision of guys looking like senior Secret Service men or
Marine Corps officers flashed into your head. Think again. All those
promises meant was that the same people who failed before would take
some extra courses and get bigger paychecks signed by someone else. Let
me tell you something: training can't turn foreigners into loyal,
dedicated White Americans.
With people like this guarding the portals to the 747s, it's not
surprising that airport security is far less effective than the
government promised it would be. A recent investigation performed by
government itself showed that our airport security measures are failing
miserably. The Inspector General of the U. S. Transportation Department
conducted a number of tests in which undercover agents attempted to
smuggle knives, weapons, and simulated explosives through security at
separate airports and found that 30 percent of the guns, 70 percent of
the knives, and 60 percent of the bombs made it onto the planes without
any trouble at all. And if you think that these screeners even know who
is getting on your flight, you're wrong about that too. Back in
February, a reporter for CBS bought a fake driver's license for $150
made it through security at every airport she tried. The fake license
was looked at over 20 times, she said, and never once questioned.
In fact, the government is so wedded to the idea of racial "equality"
that it even refuses to give additional scrutiny to young Middle
males traveling on our nation's airlines. That, you see, would be
"racial profiling," and we all know that even noticing that someone is
of a different race, even if individuals of that race are known to be
criminals at a much higher rate than Whites -- or to be nationals of
countries that for all practical purposes are at war with us, is
"racism," and we should be willing to cut off all our limbs and let our
children and brothers and sisters and parents die in terror attacks
before we would ever do anything that smacks of "racism." So "racial
profiling" is out and White grandmothers from Iowa, and blond-haired
Scouts, and freckle-faced moms flying with their children will be
selected for so-called "random checks," while Jews, Arabs, and other
Middle Easterners flying on the same flight will be spared. If ever
there was a sign that the belief in racial equality is insane, this is
Never mind that that all of the terrorists implicated in the September
11th attacks were Middle Easterners, in this case Arabs striking at
they saw as a center of Jewish power in the U.S. Never mind that all of
those involved in the 1998 bombings of the American embassies in Kenya
and Tanzania were Middle Easterners, too. Never mind that all of those
arrested in December for planning the bombings of a Mosque and the
office of a U.S. Congressman in California were of Middle Eastern
descent, in this case Jews planning to kill other Middle Easterners in
this country. Never mind that all of those implicated in the bombing at
the World Trade Center in 1993 were Middle Easterners, in this case
Moslems who some say may have had contacts with Israeli intelligence.
Never mind that Robert Goldstein, the man charged in August with
plotting to bomb dozens of schools and houses of worship in Florida was
of Middle Eastern descent, in this case a Jew plotting to kill other
Middle Easterners, Arabs and other Moslems living in the U.S.
Does anyone notice a pattern here? Does anyone notice that there's a
between two groups of aliens, two groups of Middle Easterners, Jews and
Arabs, and that they've brought their war to our shores and thereby
caused the deaths of thousands of Americans? Does anyone seriously
that it's unreasonable to look with greater scrutiny on Middle
Easterners when it comes to security, when it comes to protecting our
lives and the lives of American women and children?
But the ideology of multiracialism is not reasonable. It is the epitome
of unreason. So naturally, we're all supposed to believe that checking
the bags of Middle Eastern Moslems with extra care would be "racism"
therefore evil, and any extra scrutiny of Israelis or other Jews would
be "anti-Semitism" and therefore "morally wrong."
Racial profiling is exactly what we need. But far more important than
the question of allowing rational racial profiling at our airport
security checkpoints is this question: Why are these Middle Easterners
allowed to immigrate to our country at all? Why are they allowed to man
our security checkpoints and have access to our military and commercial
secrets? Why are they allowed to come here and bring their ancient
hatreds and wars with them, putting the American people at risk? Why is
the most obnoxious tribe from the Middle East, the Jews, allowed to
here and buy out American businesses, own or control almost all of our
major media corporations, and use their money and media ownership to
control our politicians and guide both the Democrats and the
Republicans, the Left and the Right into "Israel First" policies and
It's natural that all of these aliens would work to keep our borders
open, so that they have access to American money, American secrets,
in the case of the most dangerous of these alien groups, the Jews, the
ability to control our media and hence keep the flow of American arms,
money, and blood flowing to Israel and Israel's endless wars. In the
case of the Moslems who are the primary victims of these wars, they'd
agree with the Jews on keeping our borders open since that makes it
easier for them to strike back at the Jews' janissaries (that's us) and
at the Jewish power structure in America, killing thousands (or perhaps
in the future, millions) of Americans in the process.
Of these aliens, the Moslems have little influence over American
policy. Jewish media control and Jewish money make sure that almost all
American politicians fear the Jews and take the Israeli side, even to
the point of sacrificing American lives. It's Jews who pushed for war
against Iraq in 1991, strikes against Libya and Sudan, war against
Afghanistan this year, and war against Iraq or even Saudi Arabia
tomorrow. It's Jews who take over $10 million every day from American
taxpayers for their war against the Palestinians.
The Jewish establishment does not care that these wars create hatred
America among the endless millions in the Moslem world who have lost a
father or a sister or a brother or a child in these wars. They don't
care that every new offensive raises up yet another generation of
millions dedicated to our death and our destruction. As they prepare
"hate Iraq" propaganda designed to make the average White working man
hate Iraq and think that killing people in a country he couldn't locate
on a map a few months ago is a necessity, the Jewish-controlled press
are routinely referring to those young men that they intend to use as
cannon fodder in the most contemptuous terms.
A watchdog group called has documented case
after case of these self-chosen elitists referring to rural White
Americans -- the same young people they plan to ask to sacrifice their
lives in Iraq -- as "hillbillies," "toothless poor white trash," from
the "hookworm belt," "rednecks," "hicks," "bubbas," and worse. How much
more evidence do you need to prove to you that Jews aren't White, that
those in this country don't consider themselves to be White Americans,
and that their real agenda revolves around putting their race -- and
their state in the Middle East -- first, and what happens to America be
Stepping back from the situation a bit, consider what our policies are
regarding the people and issues that put America at risk from
Domestically, we have an "open borders" policy which actually favors
immigration of non-Whites, including non-White Middle Easterners who
hate us and each other, a policy which makes it relatively easy for
to come here and do what they do.
Internationally, we have a foreign policy which is virtually dictated
us by Israel, and under which we fund Israel's murder of Palestinians
and occupation of Arab lands, and under which we ourselves make war on
the Moslems who never did America any harm -- the ones who stayed at
home and left us alone.
We let millions of Middle Easterners in. And we aggressively bomb and
kill their brothers overseas. In other words, we have a government
policy which is precisely the reverse of what it should be. We have a
policy which encourages and facilitates terrorism against America.
To make America safe and secure against terrorism we need to return to
sane immigration policy, similar to the one we had for all of American
history prior to 1965, when the Jews opened the floodgates of non-White
immigration. We need an immigration policy that would have stopped
Mohammed Atta at the border and said "America is a White country. You
cannot live here. You cannot attend our flight schools. Go back where
you came from." And we need an immigration policy that would have
stopped the ancestors of the William Kristols and Jacob Schiffs and
Michael Eisners and Ari Fleischers and told them "America is a White
country. You cannot live here. You cannot buy our broadcast networks or
film studios or newspapers. Go back where you came from." Without the
racial agenda of the Jews bringing America into these wars, and without
colonies of the belligerents themselves within our borders, America
would be a much safer place.
Involving ourselves in the Jews' endless wars of conquest and
in the Middle East is certainly not in the best interests of the United
States. Our repeated insane crusades to attack Moslem nations which
never threatened America just increases the hatred of those nations for
us, and solidifies the determination of Moslem peoples to avenge the
deaths of their brothers and sisters by fighting against America. There
is no rational reason for us to be in conflict with the nations of the
Middle East, as long as they stay in their corner of the world and
threaten us or our kindred in Europe.
When we couple our bombings and our funding of the Jews' bombings of
innocent Moslems with our acceptance of millions of them as they
colonize large parts of the United States, you have a policy which is
almost guaranteed to bring terror and death to America.
Do you put your faith in Bush's so-called "War On Terrorism"? If you
you're very foolish. It's just a new name for the same old game of
killing when the Jewish lobby says "kill." And where has American
military intervention on behalf of the Jews, or their internationalist
agenda, gotten us? I'm sure you've noticed that since we deposed Manuel
Noriega in Panama that all those drugs have stopped flowing in from
Central America. And since we imposed Jean-Bertrand Aristide on Haiti,
that country is now a paradise, and Haitian immigration to the U.S. has
stopped because no one wants to leave there now. Our shelling of the
Lebanese and our sending of so-called "peace-keeping" forces there in
the 1980s sure put those nasty Arabs in their places, didn't it? And
Bush senior's war on Iraq in 1991 was very successful in bringing peace
to the Middle East and preventing terrorism, wasn't it? If only we
repeat such marvelous successes until the last American dollar is spent
and the last American soldier is dead, what a wonderful world it would
We need an American government again. We need a White government again.
We need to remain neutral in the Middle East, we need to stop funding
Israeli atrocities and supporting her wars. And we need America to
become American again, and stop the influx of potential terrorists and
bombers and alien media manipulators -- Jewish and Arab alike -- at our
As I speak, the ominous anniversary of the September 11th attacks is
near. The National Alliance, the strongest and most active patriotic
organization in the United States, is organizing a mass anti-terrorism
literature distribution for the month of September, and I'm asking
everyone who can hear my voice to participate. We are sponsoring the
Terror-Free Zone resolution, a resolution which you can easily
on your printer or on a photocopy machine and distribute in your
neighborhoods, which you can send to your friends and to newspaper
editors and civic leaders, a resolution which will indicate to the
that we Americans do not support Israel's state-sponsored terrorism,
the insane policies which have made America a target for terrorist
Let me read the resolution to you:
WHEREAS the attack on September 11th came in response to our
government's diplomatic, economic and military support for Israel in
wars against the Arabs and Moslems;
WHEREAS these wars and proposed wars in the Middle East are the result
of pressure by the powerful Jewish lobby; and these wars and proposed
wars are in direct conflict with America's best interests;
WHEREAS the vast majority of the population does not support these
policies and wars; and therefore should not be targeted for reprisals;
THEREFORE, the citizens of OUR COMMUNITY are requesting that the
government not use our tax money, troops, or diplomatic pressure to
support Israel's depredations.
WE ASK that this resolution be given the widest possible circulation,
and we ask specifically that it be forwarded internationally to all
nations of the Middle East, belligerents and neutrals alike, with the
request that because of the issuance of this statement, OUR COMMUNITY
not be targeted for reprisals and that it be declared a Terror-Free
Help us save the lives of innocent American children. Help make your
community a Terror-Free Zone. Stop the genocide. Stop the murder and
hatred. Together, we can prevent our communities from becoming bomb
magnets or targets for terrorists, one neighborhood at a time.
The resolution is available free of charge by downloading it from our or web sites. Just go to or
and click on the "Print Your Own Leaflets" section on the lower left,
and then select the "Make Your Neighborhood a Terror-Free Zone" flyer.
Those without Internet access can request this item by sending $3 to
National Vanguard Books, PO Box 90, Hillsboro WV 24946 USA and
specifically requesting a copy of the "Make Your Neighborhood a
Terror-Free Zone" flyer.
The flyer is more than just the resolution itself -- it contains much
the explanatory material I've presented to you today. In honor of the
victims of September 11th, and in honor of the founder of the National
Alliance, the late Dr. William Pierce, the patriotic men and women of
the Alliance are pledging to distribute tens of thousands of copies of
our resolution in the next few days and throughout the month of
September. As I speak these words, the number of pledges has risen to
72,000. With your help, we can make the number in the hundreds of
Ask your neighbors and civic leaders to sign the National Alliance
resolution to make your community a Terror-Free Zone today. Get your
friends and neighbors to sign it even if your community leaders are
intimidated by the Jewish lobby into ignoring you. Distribute the
resolution widely -- make as many copies as you can, and join us in our
educational effort. Together, we can build a growing force that will
gather like an advancing tidal wave. Together we can change the world.
This is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you that freedom is not free; free
men are not equal; and equal men are not free.
The text above is based on a broadcast of the American Dissident
Voices radio program sponsored by National Vanguard Books.
It is distributed by e-mail each Saturday to subscribers of ADV-list.
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