brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Bob LeChevalier lojbab at lojban.org
Sat Sep 7 10:43:57 EST 2002

"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message
>news:dmjinu4lc06kupd6euavj6ehacponrri7g at 4ax.com...
>> >But the children of a "ben" of a Benjaminite who marries a jew, Moab,
>> > Edomite, Hittite, Cushite, Canaanite, Perizzite, Jebusite, Hivite,
>> > Ammonite, Egyptian, Amorite, nigger, spic, Mexican, Indian,
>> > Girgashite, or any other mud is NOT a Benjaminite
>> False.  The Bible gives specific examples to the contrary.
>So you claim that the Holy Bible is in error?

No.  YOU are in error as to what the Bible says.

>> >"A [mamzer] shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to
>> > his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the
>> > LORD", Deuteronomy 23:2
>> Totally ignoring other passages that contradict that one, like the one
>> a few verses later where it says 3 generations for Moabites and
>> Egyptians.
>This is the CLASSIC example of how you never get any single fact straight.

Sorry.  Edomite.  Copied the wrong word from your erroneous list:
>> >But the children of a "ben" of a Benjaminite who marries a jew, Moab,
>> > Edomite, Hittite, Cushite, Canaanite, Perizzite, Jebusite, Hivite,
>> > Ammonite, Egyptian, Amorite, nigger, spic, Mexican, Indian,
>> > Girgashite, or any other mud is NOT a Benjaminite

Deut 23: 7-8
>[7] Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite; for he is thy brother: thou shalt not abhor an Egyptian; because thou wast a stranger in his land.
>[8] The children that are begotten of them shall enter into the congregation of the LORD in their third generation.

>But what else is new?
>Deu 23:3  An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of
>the LORD; even to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the
>congregation of the LORD forever:
>Notice that Ammonites and Moabites are given a special privilege: the word
>"forever" is added, just to make the point that you want to avoid or ignore.

Of course a "mongrel" with a Benjaminite father is a Benjaminite, not
an Ammonite or a Moabite.  May need to wait 10 generations to enter
the congregation, but is a Benjaminite nonetheless.

>> Furthermore, since adoption would make someone a member of a tribe,
>> marrying someone adopted into a tribe, the children would not be
>> mongrels.  Since Jewish conversion is a formal adoption into the
>> tribes, and not merely a profession of belief, the passage would not
>> apply to those of other nations who went through the proper rituals.
>Adoption?  Jewish?
>We're talking about Israelites, not jews.  Adopting nigger or mud children
>is probably legal in jewish law, but it's NOT legal in Israelite law, so
>this is a moot point.

Of course it is legal.  Show us where the Bible says that adoption is
not legal.

>> Finally, what makes YOU an expert on the interpretation of Old
>> Testament Law?  Are you a rabbi?  Do you practice the other laws of
>> Deuteronomy?  If you don't, then you are no longer an Israelite, no
>> matter what your purported ancestry.
>If you want to learn about the Talmud, talk to a rabbi.  If you want to
>learn about the Holy Bible--READ IT.

You are incapable of reading.

>You believe EVERY jewish LIE you ever hear, don't you.
>Most European male descendants of the Israelites ARE circumcised.

Sorry, but circumcision is practiced by Jews, Moslems, a few African
tribes, and many Americans (who at one time thought it was healthier
and would keep people from masturbating).  It is not common in Europe,
and probably never occurred in ancient Europe.

>Most "jews" are NOT circumcised.  The Khazars "converted" to "Judaism", but
>few if any of them were ever circumcised.

If there is one thing that distinguishes Jews, it is circumcision
(though I read somewhere that there are Reform Jews who reject even
that practice).

>> THAT was the fate of the Israelites of the other 10 tribes.  They were
>> removed from the land, scattered among the nations, and left FEW IN
>> NUMBER.  Thus said Moses in the Bible.  Thus said the LORD
>> Should we believe Moses and the LORD, or a nincompoop?
>What you keep ignoring is that the Israelites always returned to the LORD,
>just as they are returning right now, today, as we "speak".

Do you keep the Passover, and the other laws of Leviticus?  If not,
then you have NOT "returned to the Lord".  And whites who were not
circumcised all the way back on their male lineage, have been cut off
irrevocably. Israelites who turned away from the LORD and his covenant
were DESTROYED AS A PEOPLE.  Do you call the LORD a liar?


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