In the News, with Analysis - 'two'-parter

Kenneth Collins k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Sat Sep 7 02:41:38 EST 2002

Why I "look back, in Gratitude" is that I understand what's in giving everything, being in-the-right, to be met, only, with savage-'criticism', born of anything other than Truth.

During Mr. Carter's Presidency, folks who were aligned with those who're, now, rabbling-on 'for war', were doing the same thing back then - only against President Carter's Devotion to This Nation.

Where was their 'patriotism' back then?

Same 'place' it is, now.

In the 'gutter' where 'manufactured truth' 'displaces' Truth.

It's my position that there is a need for Thoughtful Hard-Work, now, and not 'military intervention', because the 'need' for 'military intervention' was, itself, born of Willful-Inaction on the parts of those who're, now, rabble-rousing on behalf of 'action'.

Why didn't you put oil in your lamps when it was 'time' to put oil in your lamps?

Now, without light, you'd drag Humanity into bloodshed?

I do not, and will not, stand with you.

I stand, as I did with President Carter, then, and now - with Truth.

Do with me what you will.

K. P. Collins
    Kenneth Collins wrote in message ...
    "The Troubling New Face of America", By Jimmy Carter, Thursday, September 5, 2002; Page A31 
    "Belligerent and divisive voices now seem to be dominant in Washington, but they do not yet reflect final decisions of the president, Congress or the courts. It is crucial that the historical and well-founded American commitments prevail: to peace, justice, human rights, the environment and international cooperation."
    [Qute Copyright 2002, by The Washington Post.]
    You know, when I think back to Mr. Carter's Presidency, I recall that This Nation was then Challenged by a prelude-version of its present Challenge.
    Then, as is discussed in AoK, was the stuff of the externally-imposed Arab oil embargo.
    Do folks remember waiting in line at gas stations, turning your car's engine off in traffic delays, turning off the lights, etc.
    It's a way in which we all can do-something, yet again -economize on energy. Doing so will act to Free us from at least some of that which is being imposed upon us by external forces.
    But more-importantly, it's something that we can do together - a way of actualizing our Unity.
    Back then, although it occurred after AoK was written, there was also the the Iranian's abandonment of International Diplomatic Principle with respect to the Tehran Embassy of The United States of America.
    Hard-'times', but This Nation held Her head up high, never abandoning anything of that which has been in the 'hearts' of the Citizenry since the Founders' white-hot Decisions on behalf of all of us - never 'forgetting' any of that for which America Stands.
    I look back to your Administration, President Carter, in Gratitude for such, and encourage folks to study, a bit, your own fierce-determination - your own white-hot Decisions on behalf of all of us.
    K. P. Collins
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