On Fri, 6 Sep 2002 22:47:13 -0500, Bob LeChevalier wrote
(in message <tasinusmm4fllj3j2nt22hicurjegjo12u at 4ax.com>):
> Talking to YOU, nincompoop, who speaks the words of his master the
> Prince of Lies.
I think you misunderstand what type of thing this "John Knight" is.
You're dealing with a "psychic vampire," not a human being. In its case, it
might also be described as a "psycho vampire."
Notice its monomania with "whiteness" and realize that the "undead" are pale
beyond those usually associated with Caucasia. Caucasians are not "white";
the "undead zombies" are.
This non-living thing feeds on the energy of those who are alive because it
has no life in itself but is the animated corpse of one who committed moral
and mental suicide.
And - like all vampires - it sucks.