brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Fri Sep 6 23:04:17 EST 2002

"Cary Kittrell" <cary at afone.as.arizona.edu> wrote in message
news:alb4vh$4la$1 at oasis.ccit.arizona.edu...
> In article <9jthnuke5pns5305fc6uanc9mobldmrila at 4ax.com> Bob LeChevalier
<lojbab at lojban.org> writes:
> [forgive the top-posting; I didn't want to snip a word]
> Bob, thank you.  I totally blew it in my response.  I humbly apologize to
> (doubtless oblivious) Dr. Ignatiev for my knee-jerk reaction which led
> me to lump him with likes of Farrakan, Kahane, Duke and the `poop.
> Ignatiev is obviously using inflammatory language for effect, and
> I tripped over the style and fell flat on my face before noticing
> the substance: that he is advocating nothing more than tearing
> the door off the Seekret Treehouse and letting the inmates
> out.  I applaud everything of his you quote, although like you
> I don't buy into his economics-explains-all epistomology.
> Well, off to practice my favorite form of Race Treachery: listening
> to one of my 400-plus jazz CDs.
> -- cary

Neither one of you "liberal" mud race traitors have ever taken the time to
explain to us honkeys what it is about us that you don't like us to enjoy
our right to free association.

Why don't you take the time now to carefully outline exactly what is it
about us honkeys that you "think" your "right" to interfere in our private,
family, business, and educational affairs exceeds our right to refuse you

We know you want the money.  We know that you love to see us working 42 days
of every year JUST to earn the money that pays JUST the taxes which fund
JUST the welfare which is paid JUST to niggers, but it's more than that,

What exactly is it?

John Knight

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