brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Bob LeChevalier lojbab at lojban.org
Fri Sep 6 23:01:10 EST 2002

"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>David was an Israelite, not a jew, and it's blasphemy for you to
> proclaim that Jesus Christ's ancestors were jews.

Sennacherib, the Assyrian who took the Israelites into captivity,
considered Hezekiah, listed in the Bible as the king of Judah and as
an ancestor of Christ, to be "King of the Jews" as recorded in his

>Israelite law prohibited miscegenation with racial Moabites, but it
> didn't prohibit marriage with Israelites who had been residents of
> Moab and who were called "Moabites" because of their residence in
> Moab.

False, because in Deuteronomy it specifically says otherwise (that
miscegenation is permitted and the kids have special status) with
regards to the Moabites and the Egyptians.

>Israelite law doesn't get changed just by ignoring it, as you infer.

But all your "White Christian Israelites" of Europe DID ignore it, for
millennia in which they broke the covenant and were not circumcised,
and thus were cut off from the people.  And YOU ignore it in claiming
against the Bible to be a "White Christian Israelite".

>No Israelite ever converted to being "jewish", because Israelites
> can't change their race any easier than niggers can become White men.

Yes they can.  God said in Genesis that all a man has to do is not be
circumcised and he is cut off.  So cut it off or be cut off.

>The Covenant made with Abraham applied only to descendants of Jacob,
> and nobody else, which is why they were called Israelites.

But your "mongrels" WERE descendants of Jacob.

>Jews were never and could never be Israelites, because any children of
> an Israelite who married a non-Israelite were "put away",

Even if they were put away, they still remain descendants of Jacob.
Otherwise how could their 3rd or 10th generation descendants become
members of the congregation?

>NO jew was ever an Israelite, by Israelite law.

False, because all Jews are descendants of Judah by blood or by

>Quite different from the myths in the Holy Bible, eh?

Which are quite different from the myths that you tell, which are
fairy tales.

>It's easy enough for some STUPID jew to write stories like this, which
> of course they do daily in this country, so this has zippo
> credibility.  What's a bit more difficult to LIE about and get away
> with is the DNA studies which prove the genetic link between the
> descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. 

The is no such DNA evidence.


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