"Taliesin of Earthstar" <taliesin_o at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:784a6704.0209050514.2cb3504a at posting.google.com...
> "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote in message
news:<jjqc9.37905$Ic7.2564578 at news2.west.cox.net>...
> > "Zayton" <zayton at bellsouth.net> wrote in message
> > news:AF5c9.7167$vY2.161743 at e3500-atl2.usenetserver.com...>> > The
> > Old Testament Roots
> > of Celtic Mythology
>> You might want to read http://www.religioustolerance.org/anglo_is.htm> for something remotely resembling facts and modern research (rather
> than Romantic-era pseudo-historical twaddle).
>> The Israelites were a Semitic tribe, not Caucasian. If you want to
> argue with that, the first piece of evidence you have to discard is
> your own Bible, and the second is history. Now, once you do that,
> you're free to believe whatever you wish -- but please keep your
> delusions to yourself. No one here (in any of the newsgroups but
> especially alt.religion.wicca) is buying.
>> Justin / Taliesin of Earthstar
You're correct that the Israelites were descendants of Shem, which makes
them Semites. And the jews who claim that they aren't Semites [read:
descendants of Shem] are correct, but it's not clear that their claim that
they're descendants of Ashkenaz is correct.
However, there were several million Israelites with Moses when he left
Egypt, and it was the Israelites who dispersed to all parts of the world,
particularly to Europe and Ireland. Every European nation is aware of it's
Israelite ancestry, so you're going to have a hard time convincing them
The low cranial capacity and IQ and standardized test scores of all jews
everywhere, coupled with the similarity of the DNA within the race, and the
fact that their DNA is much different than that of Israelites, is already
proof enough of the connection.
John Knight