brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

The 9th Witch Thec at inthe.net
Thu Sep 5 14:51:48 EST 2002

On Thu, 05 Sep 2002 14:31:17 GMT, "Thalamus" <zhil at online.no> yelled
from the fourth floor ward window, and subsequently was sedated:

*>Get this shit out of here (bionet.neuroscience) or you'll get

Might I suggest you tos John Knight, as he is the one who keeps adding
it back in? This is Taliesin's first post on the matter, and he has no
idea which groups are involved in the discussion.


*>"Taliesin of Earthstar" <taliesin_o at hotmail.com> skrev i melding
*>news:784a6704.0209050514.2cb3504a at posting.google.com...
*>> "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote in message
*>news:<jjqc9.37905$Ic7.2564578 at news2.west.cox.net>...
*>> > "Zayton" <zayton at bellsouth.net> wrote in message
*>> > news:AF5c9.7167$vY2.161743 at e3500-atl2.usenetserver.com...
*>> > The
*>> > Old Testament Roots
*>> > of Celtic Mythology
*>> You might want to read
*>> for something remotely resembling facts and modern research
*>> than Romantic-era pseudo-historical twaddle).
*>> The Israelites were a Semitic tribe, not Caucasian. If you want to
*>> argue with that, the first piece of evidence you have to discard
*>> your own Bible, and the second is history. Now, once you do that,
*>> you're free to believe whatever you wish -- but please keep your
*>> delusions to yourself. No one here (in any of the newsgroups but
*>> especially alt.religion.wicca) is buying.
*>> Justin / Taliesin of Earthstar

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