brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Cary Kittrell cary at afone.as.arizona.edu
Tue Sep 3 11:55:27 EST 2002

In article  "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> writes:
<> <hw_a9.15521$Ic7.1464026 at news2.west.cox.net> <6v7pmusq44mg49bal4r1l30nesuo6u8otc at 4ax.com> <zM8b9.17796$Ic7.1541913 at news2.west.cox.net> <mi9b9.86932$%v4.4664562 at e3500-atl2.usenetserver.com> <ootb9.22661$Ic7.1809730 at news2.west.cox.net> <57vsmusep24737n242
<"Cary Kittrell" <cary at afone.as.arizona.edu> wrote in message
<news:akomgb$51s$1 at oasis.ccit.arizona.edu...
<> In article <3D6FD54B.8070107 at hotmail.com> Bob <bobx23456 at hotmail.com>
<> <
<> <
<> <John Knight wrote:
<> <
<> <> Most of the White Races of the world are descendants of the Israelites,
<> <
<> <
<> <Nonsense.
<> <
<> Well, it's only nonsense if you're going by comparative linguistics,
<> cladistics based on DNA studies, and the historical record.
<> John, however, is privy to higher knowledge (viz. "postmodernism")
<> -- cary
<Pay particular attention to the following revealing statements, cary:
<"There has been one interesting Y-project looking at a specific caste, that
<of Jewish priests and their lay counterparts. Conducted by Michael F. Hammer
<of the University of Arizona et al 

Well, you're only about five years behind the times -- I read about
this study in the New York Times the month it came out.  And unlike
you, I understand what it implies and what it doesn't.  And what
it does not imply, what would cause any of the researchers involved
to shriek and fall off their perches, is your silly claim that:

<"Another early finding from the Viking study is that modern Celtic
<populations in Angelsey and Ireland have almost identical Y-chromosomes to
<the Basques of northern Spain. It is thought that both populations represent
<the pre-farming stock of Europe."
<Do you see the pattern emerging here from the DNA studies, cary?
<The ISRAELITE populations of Spain and Ireland have similar DNA, which is
<exactly what would be expected if the Israelites migrated to Spain, then
<Ireland, then the rest of the British Isles, then Europe.

Nopepers.  Neither study mentions any similarities between
the populations in Spain and Ireland and the Semitic population.
Your sequiteur is so non- that it's not only not right, it isn't
even wrong.  It's just meaningless.

Silly little man.

-- cary

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