brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Zayton zayton at bellsouth.net
Tue Sep 3 22:53:43 EST 2002

"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote in message
news:eFed9.44038$Ic7.3356466 at news2.west.cox.net...
> "Zayton" <zayton at bellsouth.net> wrote in message
> news:778d9.68426$vY2.1544393 at e3500-atl2.usenetserver.com...
> >
> > "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote in message
> > news:fN7d9.43272$Ic7.3248514 at news2.west.cox.net...
> > > > Stonehenge existed many centuries before the Druids, John, and the
> rest
> > of
> > > > your drivel makes no sense, either.
> > > >
> > > > Joe
> > >
> > >
> > > We have not the slightest idea how long Stonehenge has been there,
> >
> >
> > Unlike your made up drivel, the history of stonehenge is well
> > The earth ring began just before 3000 BC, at about 3050BC and was not
> > complete until well after 3000 BC. A timber ring was added within the
> > earthworks between 2900 BC and 2600 BC At the completion of the timber
> ring,
> > a temporary bluestone double crescent was laid, but later dismanteled.
> > version of stonehenge, the remains of which we see today was gradually
> > constructed over a period of time between 2500 bc and 1500 bc. It is
> perhaps
> > the best documented archaeological site in the world.
> >
> > Joe
> >
> >
> >
> Joe,
> If there were two people on the planet 5,000 years ago, there could have
> been no less than 6 billion by 3,500 years ago.  If all but 2 people were
> wiped out by 3,500 years ago, then there would have been 6 billion by
> years ago. If all but 2 people were wiped out again 2,000 years ago, there
> would have been another 6 billion 500 years ago.
> There are only 6 billion now.
> How do you explain this?
> This is using the lowest population growth estimates possible, including
> world wars, massive cancer and AIDS death rates, legalized abortion on a
> grand and unprecedented scale, and the "birth control pill".
> Without birth control and abortion, but WITH murdering each other by the
> tens of millions, African populations grow 3 to 10 times faster than that.
> At their rate of growth, following the above scenario, there would have
> 6 billion people by 4,200 years ago, another 6 billion by 3,400 years ago,
> another 6 billion by 2,600 years ago, another 6 billion by 1,800 years
> another 6 billion by 1,000 years ago, and another 6 billion 200 years ago.
> That's 6 Great Floods, or complete and total nuclear holocaust 6 times
> How could Stonehenge have been built by *people* 5,000 years ago?
> John Knight

You think it was built by ants, John?
Your arbitrary population figures are silly.
Life was fragile in late Neolithic times, mortality rates high. populations
were as likely to decline as increase.


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