"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>All of the pure descendants of Adam are White, Joe.
Nonsense pulled out of your strange orifice.
>The Tribe of Dan were
>descendants of Jacob, who was a descendant of Abraham, who was a descendant
>of Eber, who was a descendant of Shem,
The non-Jewish Europeans are not Semitic. European Jews are Semitic,
most closely related to Syrians and less closely to Lebanese and
Saudis and somewhat less closely to Turks and southern Europeans
>The DNA evidence is showing a very close link between jews and Negroids of
>Ethiopia, which supports the Yehudiy > Cushi > Cush > Ham > Cain connection.
The Jews of Ethiopia are related to the non-Jews of Ethiopia are still
distinct. They do not seem to be related to the other Jews.
>Yes, Ham was a son of Noah, but obviously something went very wrong along
>the way.
Yep. Your brain went wrong, by thinking that Biblical genealogy
indicates anything about races that were not called "races" until the
last couple of hundred years.