In article <wkcd9.43874$Ic7.3309461 at> "John Knight" <jwknight at> writes:
<Well said, Pastor Jones,
<This is the only way we are going to head off the elimination of White =
<Christian Israelite Race.
So: you agree with the court's judgment -- that men as well as women
can commit adultery? How refreshing.
-- cary
<Once again, the Black Race & Muslims follow YHVH'S Law's & Prove Far, =
<Far, Far, smarter then the Brainwashed & Brain-dead jew lovers & jew =
<worshiping jew-day-o/so called Laughingly Christian White Race!!! MBJ
< =20
<Lovers to die by stoning
<September 01, 2002
<LAGOS: A pregnant Nigerian woman and her lover have been sentenced to =
<death by stoning for adultery in the latest conviction under a harsh =
<Muslim legal code.