brain sizes: Einstein's and women's and miscegenation

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Tue Sep 3 19:19:40 EST 2002

Well said, Pastor Jones,

This is the only way we are going to head off the elimination of White Christian Israelite Race.



Once again, the Black Race & Muslims follow YHVH'S Law's & Prove Far, Far, Far, smarter then the Brainwashed & Brain-dead jew lovers & jew worshiping jew-day-o/so called Laughingly Christian White Race!!!  MBJ



Lovers to die by stoning
September 01, 2002

LAGOS: A pregnant Nigerian woman and her lover have been sentenced to death by stoning for adultery in the latest conviction under a harsh Muslim legal code.

A court passed the death sentence after the woman's father, who was against the relationship, complained that the original five-year jail term imposed was too lenient. 

The court in central Niger state sentenced Ahmadu Ibrahim and Fatima Usman on Monday and gave them 30 days to appeal. 

Usman, a divorced mother of two, is the third woman to be sentenced to death for adultery since 2000, when the first of more than a dozen states in northern Nigeria adopted the strict Islamic sharia code. 

Defence lawyers said they would appeal to a higher court. 

"We intend to get a higher court to overturn the ruling based on the rule of law and other critical issues," defence lawyer Hauwa Ibrahim told reporters yesterday. 

"We have sent somebody to obtain details of the ruling and also talk to the couple to ascertain the circumstances in which they were convicted," she said. 

Local newspapers said the court located about 50km southeast of the Niger capital, Abuja, had originally sentenced the lovers to five years in prison in May. 

But it increased the sentence after an appeal by Usman's father who wanted his daughter to marry someone else against her wish. 

The reports said the father sued Ibrahim for damages when the man he wanted his daughter to wed lost interest in marrying her. 

Under the sharia code, any relationship outside wedlock involving a divorcee, is considered adultery. 

Niger is evenly divided between Christians and Muslims and the adoption of sharia has provoked strong resentment. 

Only last week, a court in northwestern Kastina state upheld a lower court stoning sentence on a nursing mother convicted of adultery after bearing a child out of wedlock. 

The ruling against Amina Lawal Kurami, who was granted a two-year reprieve to wean her baby, provoked international outrage. 

In March, another appeals court in northwestern Sokoto state quashed a similar sentence on Safiya Hussaini Tungar-Tudu and acquitted her after the European Union led worldwide appeals on her behalf for clemency. 

President Olusegun Obasanjo warned Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation of more than 120 million people, risked international isolation. 

The introduction of sharia law has been controversial in the north of Nigeria, where more than 3,000 people have died in Muslim-Christian clashes in the last three years.

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