brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Bob LeChevalier lojbab at lojban.org
Tue Sep 3 15:06:30 EST 2002

<raugust at ptd.net> wrote:
>Well, what do you think money is to a woman?

Same thing it is to a man.  Something with which to pay bills.

>To a woman, money is power.

I think men are more likely than women to think of money as power.

>woman will prostitute herself buck naked and flat on her back 24 hours a
>day, sleeping with the "right" people, until she gets her millions.

That is why the world's richest women are all prostitutes, right?

>Worse yet, sex is power to a woman.

Again something I think that is more commonly associated with men.

>She knows that if she whines the right way to
>get a man to do her bidding, she can deny him sexual intercourse until he

Which usually means that the man goes elsewhere for his sex.  After
all, someone has to pay those prostitute millionaires.

>Not only does she have his money, but also his sperm,

Now THERE is a valuable asset, considering that every man throws
millions away every day, while the woman seldom can use more than one.

>his capitulation to her every whim,

That sounds like his problem.

>and also his CHILD

You mean it isn't HER child too?  And remember, you are siding with
the infamous nincompoop, who went to prison rather than support "his

>Why do you think so many women have children in the first place?

Probably most do so because they love children.  A few others do so
because their man insists on his sex and one or the other of the
prospective parents then object to birth control or abortion.

>As long as she has a man's child, being a "family
>woman" doesn't mean a hill of beans.


>That child means she has half our income,

Ask the nincompoop's ex-wife about that.

>food stamps, government medical benefits, and welfare cash and food
>assistance for "her" child,

As a result of which, most such single women are below the poverty
line.  But that "doesn't mean a hill of beans", does it?

>and the ability to call "911" to haul us off when we go to VISIT our children.

I know a lot of men who visit their kids, without anyone calling 911.

>Because money is power to a woman, we men are reduced to little more than
>conduits for sperm and tax dollars.

Well, if you go live in a monastery, you certainly won't have much to
worry about then.

>Our women pre-1973 had a 5x higher standard of living

What a load of crap.

>with greatly increased personal savings

Women before 1973 often had NO personal savings.

>and more assurance of a living income after men died,

In 1960, survivor income per beneficiary averaged $750/year, and the
average life insurance policy was $3600.  In 1950, it was $400/year
and $2,200.  In 2000 terms (based on the consumer price index) the
1960 numbers were $4,350/year and $21,000.  The 1950 numbers equate to
$2,900/year and $16,000.  Needless to say, someone elderly could not
live comfortably for long today on a $21,000 nest egg and around
$350/mo income (based on the 1960 numbers).  Rent and medical bills
will each average far higher than the monthly income.

>making huge salaries of dollars that aren't worth wooden nickels,

I dunno.  There are only a couple of currencies whose unit value is
higher than ours, and they have fallen more than we have since 1960.

>and we can't even construct a decent shoelace in our economy.

We probably couldn't in 1960 either; it wasn't exactly the height of
consumer product

>We can't even produce a woman with an IQ over 100 who can spell properly,

I know plenty of women who spell better than you, and appear to have
higher IQs than you.

>short of home-schooling her or sending her to parochial schools.

who had neither of those things.

>How do you think money-hungry, power-thirsty women got where they are?

I don't know any of those.

>whiiiiiiined, they slept with the right people, they whiiiiiiiiiined, they
>denied sex to those whom they thought were losers, they whiiiiiiiiiiined,
>they acted like bimbos on command,

On whose command?  The men who had no power, right?

>they whiiiiiiiiiiined, and men
>capitulated to get them to shut up.  Then, they whiiiiiiiiined some more.

>Did you ever wonder why Anna Nicole Smith gets her own "reality" TV show
>after posing for Playboy,

Because men hunger for her body, and are willing to pay money to see
more of it?

>and why "Leave it to Beaver" gets left in the re-runs?

Because men don't hunger for his body, and hence don't pay much to see


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