In article <qfsc9.38178$Ic7.2586574 at> "John Knight" <jwknight at> writes:
<"Cary Kittrell" <cary at> wrote in message
<news:akot8o$8ne$1 at
<> In article <VSPb9.28985$Ic7.2102701 at> "John Knight"
<<jwknight at> writes:
<> <
<> {...}
<> <
<> < It's become abundantly clear that as long as you jews are here, only
<1.9% of
<> < the population gets "free exercise [of religion]" and the other 98.1%
<> < doesn't.
<> Really? Your kids were forced to recite the Shema every morning in
<> school? If so, that's an outrage, and the ACLU will cheerfully help you
<> put a stop to it.
<> -- cary
<"Free exercise [of religion]" doesn't mean not forcing our children to
<practice Talmudism.
<It means not ever having to listen to, see, hear about, be near, or smell a
<jew, a nigger, a Mexican, or any other mud or "liberal" around.
<It means *removing* them from our midst.
<You have not yet produced even one single reason that White Christian
<Israelite children shouldn't be protected from their garbage, have you?
John Coltrane.