To the Gentle African-American Man

Kenneth Collins k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Tue Sep 3 07:36:07 EST 2002

It's 'interesting'.

Before I posted this msg, I was getting 2-5 of these 'wrong-number' calls per day. Sometimes more.

Since I posted the msg, not one call :-]

Gentle 'damned if I do and damned if I don't' stuff, 'cause, frankly, I miss the calls. At least with them, there was the appearance of 'interest'. Now, it's like I'm dead.

How about another chance at the 'free dance lessons'? :-]

Anyway, I'd better explain the 'Gentle African-American Man'. I realized, after posting the msg, that it, like a lot of what I post [it's always so much bigger than I can fit into little-snippets - and, just now, moreso, 'cause things're gettin' 'hairy' in my 'little world' - and I can't seem to 'rally' myself - my 'plan', if October doesn't happen, is to get a room like the one I had about 5 years back - my research materials stacked to the ceiling, only living space, a path from the door to my 'bed' - "That'll do, Pig. That'll do." [Disney's Pig in the City :-], anyway, the prior msg is subject to 'misinterpretation'. It's not 'like-that'.

This guy has sought me out, over the years, and, years ago, rightly or wrongly, I came to view his calls as constituting a form of 'Encouragement'. I allowed myself to believe, rightly or wrongly, that the guy just wanted to let me know that I'm 'not alone', and the thought of his reaching-out to me, in such a Caring way, lifts my spirit.

So, that's what the msg is all about.

Kinda like Jimmy Durante and Mrs. Calabash... and, to me, just as Important.

So, "Good night, [Sir], wherever you are".


Kenneth Collins wrote in message ...
>To the Gentle African-American Man who has, once again, found me:
>I'm sorry I didn't recognize you when you called the other day. I'm
>impressed - 4th or 5th time, in at least 4 different places :-]
>I only realize it's you after I the call ends, and it's more and more
>a 'disappointment' when I do so realize that it was you, but that I
>let you 'slip-by'.
>My 'excuse' is that I'm getting numerous calls, all, supposedly,
>'wrong numbers', or 'telemarketing' stuff, but I know, from the
>pattern, that the calls, for the most part, are neither.
>So, after getting past 'introductions', I just 'excuse' myself.
>But I've been hoping to hear from you, and wish I'd not been caught
>off-guard, 'cause I'd like to know of your interest.
>Is it a 'challenge' - you know - the 'finding me'?
>Or is it other interest?
>Anyway, I'm sorry I let it slip-by.
>Maybe next time :-]
>ken collins
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