brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

raugust at ptd.net raugust at ptd.net
Tue Sep 3 07:22:50 EST 2002

Dear Mr. Collins,

"It has very-little to do with 'money', and a lot to do with
abuse-of-'power', and the long-term ramifications of such, because of the
'blindly'-automated way nervous systems process information."

Well, what do you think money is to a woman?  To a woman, money is power.  A
woman will prostitute herself buck naked and flat on her back 24 hours a
day, sleeping with the "right" people, until she gets her millions.  Worse
yet, sex is power to a woman.  She knows that if she whines the right way to
get a man to do her bidding, she can deny him sexual intercourse until he
capitulates.  Not only does she have his money, but also his sperm, his
capitulation to her every whim, and also his CHILD.  Why do you think so
many women have children in the first place?  A child, to a woman, is a tie
to power over us men.  As long as she has a man's child, being a "family
woman" doesn't mean a hill of beans.  That child means she has half our
income, food stamps, government medical benefits, and welfare cash and food
assistance for "her" child, and the ability to call "911" to haul us off
when we go to VISIT our children.

Because money is power to a woman, we men are reduced to little more than
conduits for sperm and tax dollars.

Our women pre-1973 had a 5x higher standard of living with greatly increased
personal savings and more assurance of a living income after men died, than
our women do now.  Sadly, Doris Duke has left the building.  Now, we have
females working on every level of corporate and business infrastructure,
making huge salaries of dollars that aren't worth wooden nickels, and we
can't even construct a decent shoelace in our economy.  We can't even
produce a woman with an IQ over 100 who can spell properly, short of
home-schooling her or sending her to parochial schools.

How do you think money-hungry, power-thirsty women got where they are?  They
whiiiiiiined, they slept with the right people, they whiiiiiiiiiined, they
denied sex to those whom they thought were losers, they whiiiiiiiiiiined,
they acted like bimbos on command, they whiiiiiiiiiiined, and men
capitulated to get them to shut up.  Then, they whiiiiiiiiined some more.

Did you ever wonder why Anna Nicole Smith gets her own "reality" TV show
after posing for Playboy, and why "Leave it to Beaver" gets left in the

Welcome to the real world, Mr. Collins.  We pray that your wife doesn't end
up calling "911" on you.  If she does, all we can do is break out the
popcorn and send you a Sympathy card.


Richard C. August

"Kenneth Collins" <k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
news:cBYc9.49702$Ke2.3480053 at bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
> You asked about "confidence".
> I addressed your question.
> It has very-little to do with 'money', and a lot to do with
> abuse-of-'power', and the long-term ramifications of such, because of
> the 'blindly'-automated way nervous systems process information.
> I stand on what I posted.
> K. P. Collins
> John Knight wrote in message ...
> >[...]

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